"When you reach The Den, you will be tested to your absolute limit. We will first make a fighter out of you, then we will make you more. A hunter, a predator. It will be tough, but that's the point, right?

"You and your fellow four candidates will be assigned a number. Your number will be shown on screen, now".

As she said this, a large '4' flashed in the corner, next to Finn's full name and every personal detail he could imagine. How much information had they managed to gleam on him in just a few hours?

The information faded, yet the number remained. So, he was WOLF 4.

Mosley's image re-appeared on-screen.

"You have a long journey ahead of you, so I suggest you get some sleep. We hope you adapt well to the program and I expect great things of you, WOLF".

The message ended with Mosley's thin-lipped smile and the lights came back on.

Finn sat there in silence for a few minutes, processing everything he had just heard. There was no going back now, his decision had been final after all. He couldn't, even if he wanted to, double cross this clearly illegal program. And Caroline Mosley, well, she looked like one woman that a lot of people dared not to cross.

"What ya' thinking about?" a heavily accented voice boomed, making Finn jump and spin around suddenly. By the door, a bulky, scarred man boasting a tight buzz cut stood in full dress. It was a black outfit with gold trimmings, military-esque, but bore no insignia. As far as Finn was concerned, this man could have been here to kill him.

"Who...who the heck are you?" Finn demanded, his sweaty right hand balling into a fist and adrenaline finding its way into his blood vessels.

"I'm Captain Vernon Solveg, the same Captain ferrying you to your destination. So, show me some respect little wolf" he spat venomously, but kept his posture. Finn's fist loosened slightly, yet he remained on his guard.

"How long were you standing there, Captain?" he challenged with an air of defiance about his tone.

"Long enough to see you dawdling. Get down to the cryo decks, Wentsley here will bring you".

Finn motioned to proceed, but Solveg halted him with a rough hand to his chest as he passed.

"Let's hope the Corporation lackeys at The Den teach you to mind your tongue".

His released his hand, and let Finn go through the door wearing a smug smile and fixing his rumpled sleeve.

Finn moved away, following a silent Wentsley and rubbing his sore chest. The Angeles wasn't too big, just awkward, and they reached the right deck in minutes. Down at the cryogenic pods, Doctor Walker sat on a foldable stool, as if he had been impatiently waiting there the entire time Finn was in the ship's upper levels.

Finn greeted him, then moved away to inspect the cryo chambers. There was about twenty in all, four of which were already in use. The humming machines were all heavily frosted, hiding their occupants from view.

"Are those..."

"The other candidates? Yes. You'll meet them on the other side. This pod" - Walker gestured towards the nearest open chamber - "is yours".

Finn removed his garments until he was standing there in just his underwear. He'd need to be naked for cryosleep - otherwise he'd most certainly get 'freezer burn', and that wouldn't be nice. But taking off his last bit of dignity could wait until Walker had left him alone to do so.

The doctor held out a measured syringe containing a clear liquid.

"I need to inject this into your arm".

"What is it?" Finn eyed the thing warily, feeling a slight tingle on the hairs at the back of his neck.

"Relax. It's a cytoprethaline shot, needed for cryosleep. It prevents damage to cell membranes from ice crystal formation. You can die without it".

"I remember now" Finn whispered, slightly embarrassed for thinking the needle contained a more sinister compound. He'd been made to take the same thing on his journey to Reach.

The thin sliver of metal pricked Finn's bicep, and he could feel the cold liquid enter his bloodstream like ice water. It made him shiver, more out of unfamiliarity to the injection than the actual coldness.

"Also, you'll have to regurgitate and swallow the bronchial surfactant when you awake" Walker announced as he discarded the needle accordingly.

"Yeah" Finn shuddered "I know that".

The bronchial surfactant was essentially a lime-tasting gel that was supposed to replace vital nutrients lost in cryogenic sleep. The thought brought back bad memories - he had swallowed the disgusting liquid last time, ignoring the mucous-like texture, yet had still gotten sick all over the grated floor. It didn't make him popular with the other orphans at the time, something that carried on for years. But that was his old life.

His new life was about to begin.

Once Walker had left, Finn removed the final bits of clothing he wore. Feeling a slight chill running up his spine, he climbed into the pod and lay back on the form-fitting gel bed. He winced as the doors closed and sealed with a hiss. Finn inhaled and exhaled deeply, closed his eyes, shut out any doubts and let the cryosleep wash over him.

Halo: Into The Howling Dark (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now