Personality + (Dis)Likes

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I feel like Mexico would be a very loud, macho, and ride or die type of person that really doesn't give a damn and isn't afraid of anybody. He would be a loud-mouth who talks smack about everyone and will fight you for picking on him or messing with his friends or if you end up pissing him off. He would also swear constantly and refer to a lot of slang in his native tongue and will have a strong sense of pride within his country. He would also be a music lover and a gardener and a really great chef that can serve a lot of fantastic food. However, he is competitive and isn't afraid to speak his mind. He does have a soft side though if a situation is serious or if he really likes you. He would also be a workaholic and a heavy drinker and partier but work always comes first. He would be very humble as well and doesn't ask for expensive things. Mexico I can also see being a drama queen and superstitious. He would also be family-oriented. He would also be a bit of a flirt and doesn't take hints, he is a persistent little boy.

Likes (loves)- his father (the Aztec Empire), family, friends, music, playing instruments (trumpet, violin, guitar, and accordion), singing, cooking, animals, sports, gardening, gossiping, and partying.

Dislikes- America, working, moths, bad food, discrimination, annoying people, Spain, freeloaders, and lazy people

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