Chapter 10

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"Come on, Irine! Jump at me!" Moone called to Irine. Irine tried to jump, but her hurt leg held her down.

"I can't do it!" Irine whined. She can. Moone thought.

"Try this." Moone balenced on three legs, and launched herself in the air. She landed with a slight stumble, but didn't fall down. Moone saw the look of awe on the young wolf's face.

"I'll try." Moone detected a hint of determination in Irine's voice. Irine mimicked what Moone had done, but she landed perfectly on three paws.

"Good work! You'll soon be on four paws!" Moone exclaimed. "But I must leave you to practice alone." She added. Moone got up on her paws, and headed back towards the hollow.

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