Brotherly Bonds | Yandere Nightmare X Dream

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Let me address a few things:

  If any of you leave comments about "Eww! They're brothers"! or "This is incest"!. Then get the fuck out of here. I work hard to get these chapters done, and waste MY time and skills writing these fanfics for everyone, and I hate it when people start talking shit and start leaving fucking comments like this.

  Personally, I ship Cross and Dream more than this. Because I like the scenario and story/comic. But hey, that's my opinion. (And.. I'm being a hypocrite, aren't I?)

   But It's annoying and I see this everytime when I read Dreammare fanfics. Especally in the comments. If you don't ship it, then, that's fine. Then go and read something else. It's your opinion. But don't leave shitty comments, it really pisses me off, reminding that they're brothers. Of course they are, this is one of the points of the ship. I'm sorry for my language, but I needed to clarify this. Please, be respectful when writing comments on peoples stories.

Side Note: I'm sorry this isn't what any of you wanted. I will rewrite this if this isn't what any of you wanted.


Dream's P.O.V

   "Alright, Dream. Let's take you home." Cross and I exited the movies and he called a taxi. I fixed up my new hoodie that Cross bought me last week and looked at him. "Thanks for treating me Cross, I'll pay you back next time." Cross only shook his head and smiled. "No, this is my treat. Dream, you don't owe me anything. I only want to spend time with you. That's enough for me."

  I blushed and giggled. "Okay.. but I just feel bad that you spended your money on me. I'm not worth that much." Cross looked upset and lifted my chin up. "Dream? Is your brother still mad at you? You aren't acting like yourself ever since you've moved." I know Nightmare did bad things, but maybe I should give him another chance. Nightmare might have anger problems. But, he's good to me. Ever since our parents passed away, he's been taking care of me. He never hits me. Or abuses me. He's just worried when I go out at night. He reads stories all the time about people going missing when they're all alone, especially at night. He was very protective and loving.

A bit too protective and loving.

We don't really talk or see eachother anymore.

Let me explain.

   It's been about 6 months since I moved out and went to college. I remember that day, Nightmare was begging me not to go and reconsider it. He insisted I was wasting money on a dorm and how expensive it would be to there, and how I can just stay there for free and just drive to college. He finally let me move as long as I give him the extra key to my dorm.

  I kept telling him no and that I wouldn't even consider it. But he convinced me that he will be able to help me if I forgot it or that if I forgot something in my room he'll be able to drop it off. I finally gave in and gave him the key. He happily took the key and kept it. I remember he kept on pressuring me to move back in when I get my 4-year diploma. It was annoying, he said he'll paint my old room yellow and redesign everything for me. He told me I was always welcome to stay for as long as I liked. But, I told him that I wanted to date and hopefully marry someone. He sighed and nodded. He told me he understood and would support me. But his 'support' went down the drain when I introduced him to Cross.

  Nightmare kept asking rude and unnecessary questions. Like, "Why do you look like that?", "Why do you chew that way?", or "Move", or "Talk that way?" It got to a point where Cross ran out in tears. I was so mad. Cross was my first ever boyfriend and he was treating him like he was a threat. Cross was even battling depression when this happened. This was the last straw, I stormed out and grabbed my stuff. Nightmare kept telling and yelling at me to come back. But I left. Cross drove me to his apartment and he kept comforting me the way there.

  Cross came with me the next day to get my stuff. Nightmare was in his room, doing whatever. We put my stuff in his trunk and we drove to my dorm and I settled in.

I haven't seen him or talked to him since.

Narrators P.O.V


  Dream gasped and jumped at Cross, snapping out of his thoughts. "Our taxi is here." Cross held the door out for him. Dream nodded and sat down. Cross went in and held Dreams' hand. "Dream, you're stronger than that. Nightmare shouldn't have hurt you or me like that. He should know you're capable of taking care of yourself." Cross pulled closer to Dream and kissed him.

"I love you, Dream."

"I love you too, Cross."

  The way home was peaceful and fun for the two. They kept making jokes and let eachother know they didn't have to go through this alone. Cross had the Taxi drop Dream off and take him home. "Bye Dream, have a good night." Cross kissed Dream one last time. "You too, Cross." Dream waved and walked up the stairs of his dorm. Dream pulled out his key and... his door was unlocked..

"What the heck-.." Dream looked through the window and saw that all his stuff was packed in boxes. But, he wasn't planning on moving. Dream immidiantly backed away and pulled out his phone. Someone was in there and he knew better than to just walk in. But before he dialed 9-1-1.

  Someone grabbed him and pulled him inside.

  Dream screamed and yelled at the person to let him go, but they covered his mouth and turned on lights to reveal themselves. Dreams eyes widened and he shook with fear. "Ni-Nightmare...?" Dream was shocked. His brother nevered informed him that he was coming over, yet alone pack his stuff. Nightmare nodded. "Hey Dream, it's good to see you.." Nightmare looked happy for a split second before his expression turned cold and emotionless. "Where were you?" Nightmare stared at him. Dream looked a bit disturbed and shook his head. "It's none of your business, Nightmare.."

   The older brother sighed and snatched Dreams phone. "Fine, I'll find out myself." The younger one tried to grab his phone back. But Nightmare managed to to get to his messages and he looked angry. "I thought you were going to break up with the parasite.." Dream eyes as Nightmares eyes turned darken blue. "N-Nightmare.. please.. I-I love him.. I-I thought you were going to support me.." Nightmare scoffed and shook his head. "No.. Dream.." Nightmare grabbed Dream and pulled him close. "Dream, sweetie, No one is capable of loving and caring for you, the way I do." Dreams eyes widened. "W-What are you talking ab-" Dreams screams were muffled and Nightmare kissed him deeply, exploring Dreams mouth.

  Dream managed to punched him in the stomach and pull away. Dream turned to run, but Nightmare pounced on top of him. "Shh.. Dream, you're just naive and young, as your brother, I know what's best for you." Dream couldn't talk or scream as Nightmare knocked him unconscious with a drug.

  He then placed Dream in a instrument case, when people asked Nightmare why he was there, he said Dream was planning on moving back with Nightmare and he was going to do online college. He came back a couple of times to move Dreams items back to his room. Since he was his brother and seemed like a caring and loving brother, everyone would believe him.

Who would believe poor Dream?

   Since Dream was always injected with the drug, he was always out of it and couldn't even get up anymore. Nightmare did all of Dreams college work and did his homework for him, while Dream rests. When Cross called, Nightmare would answer and tell Dream what to say, if he didn't, he would punish him by adding more drugs into his system that one time, making him have a huge headache. So, Dream kept listening to him and he never fought back. He knew it would be pointless anyway.

   Nightnare forced Dream to break up with Cross and threatened to get rid of him himself if Dream didn't do it. Dream sobbed and agreed. Nightmare called Cross for him and Dream told Cross they needed to break up. Cross sobbed and begged Dream not too. But, Dream couldn't. He was all alone now. Now Nightmare has him all to himself. The doctors diagnosed Dream with multiple life changing conditions and thanks to the drugs, he became dependent on Nightmare all the time. That was the plan. This is what Nightmare wanted. This wasn't about keeping Dream under his control, no, it was about protecting him from the dangers of outside.

  He was careful and kept his 'romantic' relationship with Dream a secret. Dream had no say in the matter. After all, he was young and foolish, Nightmare was the only one who would and could take care of him.

And they say, "Mothers knows best", heh.


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