16. Gender Reveal Party

Start from the beginning

Mark 🧡

Mark and I are having a gender reveal party to reveal the genders of our babies to our friends and family today. We can't to reveal to everyone that we are having a girl and a boy. We gave two powder cannons that we are going to fire. Mine will be pink for our baby girl and Mark's will be blue of course. We are having the party at Mark's parents house as they have a nice big backyard. Bigger than ours. We are over getting set up for the party now before people arrive. Mark's parents are busy helping us too. They don't even know the genders of the babies. We put blue and pink decorations around the garden. Although this could be a little give away. Most people have said they think we are having a boy and a girl. Can't wait to reveal to them. Mark's sisters were first to arrive with their other halves. Drinks were on offer first and light snacks. We said no gifts today as it's not the baby shower. The party gets underway when everyone arrives. Unfortunately the boys can't be here as they are in the US. We we are live broadcasting the reveal for them. More food comes out soon before we do the reveal. "Right guys. This is the moment of truth. The moment you all find out the genders of our twins" Mark said. "Yes it is. We have a powder cannon each and we are both going to release them at the same time. Blue or pink or both will come flying out" I reply. "Are you ready?" he said. "Let's countdown to 10" I say. Mark starts the countdown to 10. We both release the cannons at the same time. "It's a boy and a girl" we both exclaims. "Yessss a boy and a girl" Mark's mom exclaims. "I'm thrilled" his dad said. Everyone was so happy by our gender reveal today. We enjoyed to cake and sweet treats to finish off with

Youngjae 💗

Me and Youngjae have been planning our gender reveal party for a while. We have invited members of our family over and close friends and the boys of course. We are revealing the gender of our baby by painting. I am going to be wearing a plain white t shirt and he's going to paint a blue smiley face in my bump. We thought it would be a cute and different idea to reveal the gender of our baby. We are putting protective sheets on the floor and couch so we don't mess it up because knowing Youngjae he probably will. Everyone knows that we are doing a gender reveal today but they don't know how. Everyone is talking and socialising in our apartment waiting for the big reveal. I start putting plastic sheets down while everyone is distracted. "What are those for?" BamBam asks. "You'll wait and see in a few minutes" I reply. We gathered everyone round. "So everyone as you know me and Y/ N are going to reveal the gender of our baby today" Youngjae said. "Yes we are going to do it in an exciting way. Youngjae, bring in the paints" I say. He brings in the blue paint. It's in a dark container so people can't see it. "I'm going to paint on Y/ N's bump. Will it be blue or pink?" Youngjae said. "Go ahead" I said. He takes the paint brush and starts painting a blue smiley face on my bump. "It's a boy" he exclaims. "We are having a boy everyone" I reply. "Yes a boy" Jackson said. "A mini Youngjae" Jinyoung said. "Yes that's right. I've always wanted a son and it's finally come true. Can't wait to meet this kid" Youngjae said. We started a little paint fight between us haha. Our gender reveal party went really good today and everyone was happy to know that we are having a boy

Yugyeom 💛


Me and Y/ N are having our baby's gender reveal party today for our friends and family. No one knows that we are having a little girl but they are about to find out today. Can't wait to reveal to everyone that we are having a girl. We have a big box with pink balloons that spell out GIRL. We are going to open the box and release them. Can't wait to to. Everyone is really eager to find out especially my mom and Y/ N's mom too. We are waiting for the right time to do the big reveal. The box is already in the lounge so everyone knows there is something inside but it's sealed so they can't peak in. Y/ N and I are sticking close together. We don't usually leave each other's side. I catch Youngjae trying to peak in the box. "Aye. Hands off. You'll find out soon" I said. "Alright" he replies. Soon we stand by the box. "So are you guys ready to find out if our baby is a boy or a girl?" Y/ N said. "Yes well not long to wait now. We can't wait to reveal the gender of our baby to you guys" I say. We carefully open the box without puncturing the balloons. "3, 2, 1....open. Look it's a girl" I say. "A girl. Oh wow!" my mom said. "Awwww a girl. That's wonderful" Jinyoung said. "We are so happy to be having a baby girl. I can't wait to spoil my daughter rotten when she comes into the world" I say. Y/ N smiles at me. So our gender reveal party went great today and everyone was happy and surprised to find out that we are having a baby girl

Jaebeom 💚

Since Jaebeom and I don't want to know the genders of our twins till they are born, there's no point in having a gender reveal party. We've been asking our friends and family if they can predict the genders of the babies. Most people think we are having a boy and a girl but a few people think it's two girls or two boys. We are yet to ask the boys but we are going to today. We are in the studio hanging out. I decided to find down. "Do you know the genders of your babies yet?" Jackson asks. "Nope we don't yet. Me and Y/ N want to wait till they are born and be surprised" Jaebeom said. "Yes we do" I reply. "I would wanna know if I was you" Youngjae said. "Well we were gonna ask you guys if you can guess the genders of the babies" Jaebeom said. "Ohhhh I think it's definitely a boy and a girl" BamBam said. "I'm going with two girls" Jackson said. "A boy and a girl" Yugyeom said. "Twin boys" Jinyoung said. "Yes I agree" Mark said. "I don't know" Youngjae said. "Well let's see how many of you are right when they are born. We obviously won't know yet for a while but me and Y/ N like to keep on guessing and see what other people guess. It's fun" Jaebeom said. "It is. Some of you will be right" I say. "Whoever is right can be godfather" Mark said. "Yeah we'll see. We don't know yet" Jaebeom said. It was fun hearing the boys guess the genders of our twins. BamBam and Yugyeom think it's a boy and a girl, Jackson thinks it's twin girls and Jinyoung and Mark think it's twin boys. Youngjae doesn't know. Haha. I guess only time will tell when they are here

A/ N: I always enjoy this part. Although sometimes it's hard thinking of reveal ideas. Jaebeom's is obviously quite different

Who's is your favourite gender reveal idea?

Also what genders do you think Jaebeom's twins are?

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