Alan's collapse

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[Tracy Island]
(Third person P. O. V)
Its was peaceful morning on Tracy Island. Scott and Virgil were sat watching the news in the living room, Alan and Gordon were eating their breakfast in the kitchen, Kayo was washing her hair, Brains and M. A. X were testing a new invention and Grandma Tracy was hovering the boy's bedrooms.
[in the kitchen]
While Gordon was in middle eating his breakfast, Alan couldn't manage to eat his since he felt a bit ill so he got up and put his breakfast in the bin.
"Not hungry Alan?" Gordon asked.
"No, not really Gordon. My chest feels a bit funny." Alan truthfully said.
After putting his breakfast in the bin Alan then washed his plate and put it on the draining board. Once Gordon had finished his breakfast and put his plate in the washing bowl he then put his hand on Alan's head to check his temperature.
"You don't have a fever so you don't have a cold or the flu." Gordon said.
"I don't feel ill. I just feel a little off that's all." Alan admittedly replied.
"Ok, come on. Let's go up and see Scott and Virgil but I'm definitely telling them that you're not feeling well." Gordon then said.
Alan did nothing but agreed since he didn't have enough energy to argue with his annoying sibling. Just then the both of them heard Scott saying.
"Alan, Gordon, suit up. We've got a situation."
"Coming Scott. Alan, you going to be alright for this rescue?" Gordon worriedly asked.
"I'll be fine, I'll just do some light duties." Alan quietly replied.
After reassuring Gordon, the both of them then went to get themselves suited up. After they were suited up the both of them then went inside thunderbird 2.
<few minutes later>
[in the rescue scene]
The situation was a building on fire and the guys were helping to save the people and assisting the fire service. Scott and Gordon were busy helping the fire service to put the fire out, Virgil was inside the building with his exo suit looking for any people that might be trapped and Alan was outside helping the paramedics care for some of the victims that were injured from the fire.
While helping some of victims Alan started to feel dizzy. Suddenly he felt a sharp and tight pain in his chest felt started to breathe fast. One of paramedics saw him and kindly asked.
"You alright there son?"
"My chest." Alan painfully replied.
After he was finished what he was saying, Alan collapsed right on to the floor. The paramedic then shouted.
Two others paramedics then rushed up and started to check Alan's pulse and for any injuries. After checking Alan over the paramedics then very gently lifted Alan onto a trolley and putted a oxygen mask on him to help with his breathing. Once the paramedics strapped Alan on the trolley they heard three people shouting.
They turned around and saw Scott, Gordon and Virgil coming up to them. After seeing Alan on the trolley, Scott worriedly asked.
"Excuse me, what's happened? Why's Alan on that trolley?"
"I'm afraid your brother has collapsed from having chest pains. So we're taking him to hospital to have him checked out. Which one of you coming with us?" The female paramedic asked.
"Why do you need one of us to come with you?" Gordon asked.
"So you can give us your brothers details." The male paramedic said.
"I will, I'm the eldest. Virgil, Gordon follow us in thunderbird 2 and let John and everyone else know about what's happened." Scott then said.
"F. A. B. Scott." Gordon and Virgil both replied. The two of them then got into Thunderbird 2 whilst Scott went into the ambulance with the paramedics and Alan.
[in the ambulance]
Whilst on the way to the hospital in the ambulance. The female was asking Scott Alan's details.
"What's his full name?"
"Alan Tracy."
"Thank you Scott, I'll be sure to pass these onto the Doctors once we arrive at the hospital." She kindly said,
"Your welcome." Scott worriedly replied.
He then took Alan's hand and held it against his cheek. Scott then pleadingly said.
"Stay with us Alan. Please stay with us."

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