Almost Having the Perfect Date

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Sam and Jess have been dating for four years. Ever since that fateful night in the bar, they have been going steady. Sam and Jess both just finished finals, being proud of the fact that they both passed and got their degrees. Over the past four years, Sam has taught Jess how to shoot a gun, wield a knife, and how to fight. Jess being the good boyfriend he is never questioned why she wanted him to know how to do these things, just assuming she would tell him in time. Since meeting her brother, four years ago, Jess has seen him on ten other occasions. Each time he came into town all Dean would say is that he and his dad are in town and they wanted to say hi. Jess doesn't really know much about Sam's Family only knowing that they were both professional hunters who travel a lot.

In four days, Sam and Jess's fourth anniversary is coming up. Jess has planned for every detail. He'll take Sam to the restaurant 'La Vamp', before taking her on a romantic walk in a local park. Once they make it to a small pond in the park, he would turn to Sam to get down on one knee and propose. Jess knows it may seem a little sudden, but he was in love with this woman.

He loved the way she walked, talked, the way she dances around the room when she hears a song she likes. He loves how she can make him laugh when he seems down, and always understands when he needs to be alone. How she can make the best food, always makes cleaning the house fun, and how she can make grown men cry with just one look. When he first met Sam, it was love at first sight, but after getting to know her, he fell even deeper in love. When the date finally came Jess told Sam to dress nicely but have comfortable shoes. She laughed before going to their room to change. Jess himself was already dressed. He wore a fitted black suit with a white shirt and a red tie. Putting his hand in his pocket Jess felt the ring box that will play a big part in the night.

After half an hour Sam finally walks out of the bathroom. She is wearing a beautiful red dress that flows down to the floor, her feet covered by red ballet flats, and her long brown was half up in a bun, while the other half fell down her back in princess curls. Her eyes are outlined with black eyeliner, and her lips were a beautiful blood-red colour. Overall, she looked like a Greek goddess.

"Wow" Jess gasps as he stares at his girlfriend "You look amazing". Sam giggled as she looked over the man who she loves so much. "So, do you" she smiles as she takes his arm. "So, what are we doing tonight?" she looks up at him as they walk out of their house and to the car. "it's a surprise" he opens the car door for her before she could reach for the handle. Sam just shakes her head and smiles before getting into the car. "Well I hope it is a good surprise," Sam says as she watches her boyfriend get in the car. "It will be," Jess says as he starts the car. The drive to the restaurant was quite as the couple basks in each other's company. When they get their fifteen minutes later Jess parks the car, before getting out to open the door for Sam. Once both people are out of the car Jess locks it and they walk into the restaurant.

Dinner goes perfectly. After a lovely meal Jess guilds Sam back to the car. Once inside he starts the car back up once again and starts to drive to the park. Sam looks curiously at him but doesn't say anything just happy to be with the one she loves on a romantic date without her brother interrupting it by texting or calling her every five minutes. After another short drive, they make it to the park. Once he stops the car Jess gets out and once again opens the door for Sam before leading her down a beaten path. Jess smiles and Sam laughs as they swing their arms as they walk down the path. So, enchanted by each other that they never noticed the shadow that was following them.

The moon shines brightly above them as they finally make their way to the pond. Jess stops and pulls Sam close. Gently lifting her head, he places a kiss on her lips. Smiling as it was returned with as much love as he is giving to her. Jess lets go of Sam, takes a step back and drops to one knee. But before he could even say a word the shadow that has been following them since they got to the park comes out from behind the bushes. Jess looks over as a creature steps out into the light. It appeared to be female. Its bottom half covered in a white skirt. Its top half barren of clothing. The creature had leathery skin and bat-like wings. It was missing hair on its head and had a nose like Voldemort. The creature screeched baring its fangs to the young couple before separating from its bottom half.

Jess stiffened as the creature flies at him. Sam grabbed his arm and started to run. Jess just looked at the creature in shock as he was dragged by his girlfriend to the car. "Jess you need to snap out of it. I need you to open the trunk and get the salt from the back while I distract her. Can you do that?" Jess nods before pulling the keys out of his pocket and popping the trunk. Sam lets go of his arm while he runs toward the car. "It's under the mat" Sam yells to him as she pulls a dagger from under her dress. Jess just nods as he lifts the mat from the base of the trunk. His eyes widen as he sees all the weapons, he had no idea that Sam owned. Quickly grabbing the salt, he looks over at his girlfriend.

While Jess was getting the salt from the car, Sam was fighting the manananggal trying to lure its bottom half closer to where Jess was standing. "You need to pour the salt on the bottom half Jess" Sam stabs the creature in its eye "Do it now". Not really knowing what was going on but trusting his girlfriend Jess opens the salt and runs to the legs of the creature and pours as much salt as he can on its open wound. The creature screeches as it realizes what Jess had done. But before it could retaliate it gets shot in the back by a gunman from behind her. Sam flinches as blood splatters across her face, blinking a few times before looking at the person who shot the gun. Sam's face breaks out into a smile as she sees the face of a man whom she has not seen in months.

"Bobby," Sam says as an older man with a baseball hat walks out from behind the bushes.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2020 ⏰

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