Meeting My Soulmate

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The story of how Sam meets Jess is quite a funny story. Sam was in her first year of a four-year degree and after a long week of midterms decided to go to a local bar called 'The Den'. 'The Den' is a local werewolf theme bar that had just opened a year prior. The only reason she was even at this bar is that her date, a Frank Hathhorn, had decided this is where he wanted to meet. If Sam knew it was all just to get her to write his term paper, she would have never come.The evening started out great. Frank picked her up at 9 O'clock and they went straight to the bar. Frank was a funny man who played on the college football team. He met Sam in their Latin class. Frank finally got a date with her after asking for mouths. Sam stayed at the table while Frank went to go get drinks. Sam smiled as the song 'Livin' on the Edge' by Aerosmith starts playing. Remembering all the times she sat in the back of her family's old impala, watching as her father and brother danced to the song. Frank comes back with their drinks and Sam scrunches her nose as she sees that Frank brought her some fruity bar drink when she told him she preferred beer.

 "Sooo," Sam says awkwardly, not really knowing what to do. "do you want to dance" Sam rushes the question trying to at least do something to cut the tension that was settling over the table. Frank laughs, throwing his head back, a smile on his face. "No, thank you. The reason I asked you here is to ask you a question". He asks as he looks at Sam, her eyes cloud over with confusion as she tilts her head. " your really smart right Sam". His smile getting wider as she nodes her head. "Well if you write my Latin paper and get me an 80, I'll give you the time of your life." His smile getting wider as his eyes gain a predatory gleam. Sam's eyes harden as she starts to realize what he is planning. She smiles as she looks back at him. 

"You know Frank, I grew up with one my older brother, and my father." Her smile deepens into a smirk as she sees his confusion. "Both of whom are avid hunters, meaning I know how to shoot, skin, and bury the unused remains of animals. Next time you want to get a girl to sleep with you maybe as her on a few dates first." Frank quickly downs his drink before getting up and rushing out of the bar. Not wanting to know if she would make good on her treat. Sam smiles once more before getting up to walk to the bar and herself a real drink. " One beer please." The bartender smiles at Sam before opening a beer a giving it to her. Sam quickly pays  for her drink before taking a swig before pulling out her phone. After seeing that she had three unread messages from her brother, she quickly sent him a text that she was okay just hanging out with a few friends. She knew that lying was bad especially if her brother ever found out but there was no way on earth that she was going to tell Dean she was on a date.

 From across the bar, a blond man sits with his friend. " Hey" he looks over to his friend Jake. "Is that Sam with Frank?". Jake looks over to where the blond was pointing. "Oh yea, that's Sam Winchester weren't you are listening when he said he had a date with her." Jake looks over at his friend. Who just glared. The two friends watch as Frank's face pales before he runs off. " Guess he stuck out," Jack says as he watches his friend leave. Jess watches as Sam stands up and goes to sit at the bar. "Well Frank is a jerk, so I think she is better off." Jess takes a swig of beer as Jake looks over at him. "Well, man now is your time go talk to her." Jess just stares at his friend. "I know you like her, so get your butt up and go over there before someone else sweeps her off her feet." Jake pulls his friend up and pushes him towards her. Jess sighs before talking one last drink of beer and walks over to the bar. Jake just smiles as he watches his friend go after the girl he's been pining over for months.

"What's a girl like you doing sitting here all alone?" Jess questions as he sits next to Sam. "Drinking beer, what does it look like" Sam questions as she looks over at the man trying to flirt with her. Her eyes widen as she looks into the bluest eyes she has ever seen. The man laughs as he starts to smile. "My names Jess, what's you?" the newly named Jess puts his hand out to shake hers. "I'm Sam" she states as she gripes his hand. "Strong grip you got there" Jess shakes his hand slightly and he looks her in the eyes. Sam smiles at him before saying "Do you want to dance". Jess's face lights up as he takes her hand once more before pulling her to the dance floor. Neither of them noticing as Sam's phone lights up once more. The couple makes their way through the crowd of people, finally stopping in the middle of the group.

The Backstreet Boys playing loudly as the young couple start dancing. Sam laughs as Jess twirls her in a circle. Having fun for the first time in mouths. "My brother would hate this" she laughs as Jess pulls her close. "what would he hate you dancing with a boy or the music" Jess questions as he puts his hands on Sam's waist. "Both" Sam states as she wraps her hand around his neck. The pair move in sync neither of them noticing as a tall blond man walks into the bar. Neither of them noticed as the blonde's eyes narrow when he sees Sam and Jess dancing so close. The blond makes his way onto the dance floor and pulls Sam out of Jess's arms. "Hey, she was dancing with me" Jess stares up at the man who just took his crush from his arms. Sam sighs as she looks at the face of the man who grabbed her. "Jess this is my brother Dean, Dean this is Jess." She grabs both of their hands and pulls them outside so they could talk. "Just hanging out with friends huh." Dean questions as he raises an eyebrow. Sam sighs once again. "What are you doing here Dean" Sam looks at her brother as Jess takes a step closer to her. 

" you would know if you ever answer you phone, anyways as I had stated through text messages, dad and I are in town on a hunt and dad thought it would be a good time to stop by and say hi" Dean crosses his arms in front of his chest as he watches as some kid tries to get close to his sister. Sam's eyes widen as her brother speaks. "Do you need help" she questions before her brother shakes his head. "No, we got everything under control, just wanted to say hi". "You hunt" Jess questions as he looks over at the women he was just dancing with. "I used to, but not really anymore." Sam stares at her brother before smiling at Jess. She pulls a pen out of her bag before grabbing his hand. "I had fun tonight if you ever want to go out again call me," she writes her number on his hand before kissing his cheek and walking towards her brother's car. "let's go, Dean, before dad gets impatient." She glares at her brother before getting into the car. Dean smirks at Jess before turning around and walking to the car just as his sister did moments ago. Dean starts the car and drives off before Jess could even wrap his head around what happened. 

Jess smiles as he looks down at his hand. The black ink still wet on his hand. Jess quickly puts her number into his phone, before going inside to get his jacket. After getting his jacket, Jess walks out to his car before driving home. The smile never leaving his face. As he thinks about the wonderful time he had with the woman he's been crushing on for months.

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