Bailey: "No, you did not. And I'm apologizing. Oh, my..."

Addison: "What?"

Bailey: "These blisters are growing fast. I gotta give you a shot of steroids."

Addison: "Steroids?"

Bailey: "I have never seen a case of poison oak this bad" she says as Addison groans while falling back once again "Ew! Girl, what did you..."

Addison: "Oh, for the love of God! Miranda, the calamine!" 

Bailey: "Right. Sorry."

Paramedic: "25 year old male. Shortness of breath, had a syncopal episode. Pulse is rapid and irregular."

Izzie: "What'd he get in the field?" she asks immediately cutting of Sky from talking 

Man: "He's my patient until I sign him over."

Izzie: "I know him. He's on top of the list for a new heart. That makes him surgical. I've already paged Dr. Burke's on his way, so you'd better start signing."

Sky: "Calm down Stevens. What did he get in the field?"

Paramedic: "We gave him 40 of furosemide. Rhythm didn't change after six of adenosine."

Burke: "What do we got?"

Izzie: "It's Denny."

Alex: "Transplant candidate, acute dysrhythmia and CHF. Vitals all over the place."

Burke: "His heart rhythm is a mess."

Alex: "He's in heart failure."

Izzie: "Bisoprolol can reduce the chance of mortality. Can we try that? What about ACE inhibitors? And digoxin. Somebody load him with DIG!"

Burke: "Stevens slow down. He's holding on. Barely, but he's holding on."

Izzie: "Isn't there something more we can do?There has to be something more we can do."

Sky: "The best we can do is get him up to ClCU and see if his heart will stabilize. Let's get prepared to move him." she says to the staff of nurses in the room

Alex: "lzzie, we should go."

Izzie: "No, you go. I'm gonna stay."

Bailey: "Ok. All right. How's that? Is that ice pack helping?"

Addison: "I don't know. I don't think so." she groans out in pain

Bailey: "Mind if I ask how exactly this happened?"

Addison: "I slept with Mark!"

Bailey: "Oh! And he had poison oak on his-"

Addison: "No! I slept with Mark a year ago. And, apparently, this is what I get."

Bailey: "Yeah. But how did you..."

Addison: "I live in a trailer. I have Meredith Grey's dog. And I went outside to throw a stick and I had to pee. So I squatted. I didn't want to go inside and wake up my husband because the way he's been looking at me since yesterday, I just wanted a few minutes of peace. And normally I would have been able to go to Sky for things like this but I screwed up that relationship so badly that she would probably find some way to make my pain worse." she says sobbing out

Bailey: "No, no, no. Don't cry. Don't cry. Please don't cry! Please don't cry! Stop! You're gonna make me...Iactate" she says as milk stains appear on the front of her shirt "Can you give some gauze? Here. Quick."

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