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"Phoenix police department, open up!" Hard bangs on the front door of the house as the police are shouting and shining their flashlights through the front windows of the house. Complete darkness covers the living room area that can be seen through the windows in front of the house. "WE'RE COMING IN" Shouts an officer as he and his team prepare to breach the front door of the house. "1. . 2. . 3. . ." The police officers kick down the down and proceed into the house. There is loud music playing around the house, but not a person in sight.

The police begin to do a sweep of the house when suddenly they hear a loud scream and gunshot coming from the restroom area. One of the officers proceeds forward and grabs his walkie talkie. "This is officer Ramirez, Please send backup units and an ambulance to 555 S. Jefferson Ave. We have a potential homicide in progress". Both officers proceed towards the location in which they heard the scream until they see a door cracked, with the light on. "Officer Jones, Look through and tell me what you see". Whispers officer Ramirez. Jones looks through the crack in the door to find a young man facing the mirror, crying, and with a gun in his hands.

Officer Jones kicks open the door and is followed by Officer Ramirez. "FREEZE!" They both scream as they remove their guns from their holsters and aim at the young man. The young man turns around slowly with the gun still in his hand. Eyes swollen and red as if he had been crying for days. Blood splattered over his clothes and face and he takes a step towards the bathtub. "Don't you take another step, Ramirez! Check the bathtub!" Says officer Jones. As officer Ramirez approaches the bathtub he is instantly shocked at what he finds.

"Place the gun on the toilet, turn around, get on your knees, and place you hands on your head." says officer Jones to the young man. As Ramirez approaches the man he removes his handcuffs and places them around his wrist. "You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you".

Officer Ramirez picks the young man up from the ground and escorts him outside and into the back of a squad car. Ambulance and several more police officers enter the home as officer Ramirez opens the driver side door the car, gets in, and starts the ignition. "So do you want to tell me what happened here tonight sir?"

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