The Academy and a brother's remorse

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A few weeks had passed as we find Hashirama was in his office going through the applicants of the academy students. Madara was next to him helping him sort them out. Looks like they had a great amount of new students that would bring Konoha to a new height. However one such application caught his eye, it was the new transfer student from Kumo. She was young with long pale blonde hair and black eyes. Not to mention she was the jinchuuriki of Matatabi. Yugito Nii came to the village as a transfer student and a peace offering last week after word spread that Hashirama was restored. The Raikage believed this would strengthen the ties between the village, but Hashirama didn't fully trust the man. Kumo had a history of seeking out new bloodlines, especially the byakugan. So there was no doubt that Kumo would seek to obtain the Mokuton.

According to the girl's sheet she was a gifted prodigy. She mastered all academy jutsus when she was five and mastered many E and D Rank jutsus along with a few C Ranks. She had a powerful regenerative ability like all jinchuuriki. She also gained the enhanced senses of a cat. Her taijutsu was C Rank, her genjutsu was D Rank, and her Ninjutsu was low B Rank at best. She reminded him of his wife who was also a prodigy at a young age. She was also currently living with Danzo as her temporary guardian.

"Looks like we will be having a lot of good applicants. The heirs of our fellow clans and our new transfer student." Hashirama smiled going through the other papers.

"You know as well as I do that Kumo is at a thin line with Konoha since the second ninja war. I don't trust that bastard as far as I can throw him. You know they've sought out many bloodlines from this village." Madara said coldly. "I have a feeling that went they come here to sign the peace treaty they will try it again."

Hashirama sighed as he couldn't argue with Madara's statement. But if peace was to restored they had to take a chance. However he would make to strengthen security during the treaty signing. He thought having Tobirama and Madara would be enough security but it wouldn't hurt to post a few more men.

The door opened as Minato and Kushina walked in. They were dressed in shinobi attire that showed their status as jounin. Minato's attire consisted of a standard Konoha uniform with two bands on both of his sleeves, a green flak jacket, blue forehead protector, and blue sandals. His wife Kushina's attire consisted of a standard Konoha flak jacket over a black short-sleeved shirt and black form-fitting pants that reached her calves. She wore a blue forehead protector with her hair tied up in a high ponytail and strands at the sides of her face. They reported for their first mission since they've been back.

Ever since their last failed attempt to convince Naruto to come home. They've become more focused on Menma to train him for his role as child of prophecy. Menma was strong for his age they knew that and truely believed once both boys graduate they could have them both on the same team. At least that's what they were hoping. Mostly Kushina as she was a feared kunoichi through out the nations. Plus she had the ability to contain Menma if he ever went berserk.

"Minato and Kushina reporting for our first mission Lord First" Minato said respectfully.

"I have a special mission for both of you, the ambassador from Kumo is coming here tomorrow to sign the peace treaty between our village. Now I understand that things have been very shady with Kumo"

"Of course they have!" Kushina shouted. "Those bastard tried to kidnap me when I was a little girl!"

"Kushina!" Hashirama yelled. "I understand your anger but I will not have you lose your cool understand!?"

"Hai" Kushina seethed.

"Good now as extra security I want you to secretly watch the ambassador. I don't fully trust them to not try to kidnap someone from any of the clans, especially the Hyuuga clan. Therefore I'm placing you Kushina to be stationed at the Hyuuga compound. As for Minato since your known as the yellow flash you'll be the ambassador's escort. Therefore you will tag him with your special seal so you'll be able to catch him if he does in fact kidnap someone."

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