"Um, I'm April."

"Harry. And I knew that."

How did I not know him then?

He had curly hair and I barely got a look at his eyes. But they were green, I got a slight glance.

"A-are you okay?'' I stammered, when I got a look at his wrists that were bleeding.

I realized what he did now.

Speechless, I pursed my lips.

Walking away and past him, I walked into the library without another word.



I knew it. I knew that I remembered him from somewhere. What did he mean that I was shallow? Did I ever do anything to him?

I was harshly pulled out of the trunk, not bothering to cry anymore. But my wound did hurt.

Wincing, I closed my eyes as Harry noticed.

He had set me down in the same room, on the mattress.

"Sit, and don't move. I mean it." He looked me in the eye. Harry then leaves the room.

And so I didn't move. I was already injured enough.. I didn't need to bleed even more. Maybe even to death.

But death was better than spending another second in this place. With these people.

He came back, as my lip trembled. Attempting to scoot back, he gripped my wrist, preventing me from moving back.

"I said, don't move." He said through gritted teeth.

My eyed widened, holding my breath as he neared me.

His eyes stared into mine, before looking down at my dripping wound.

I watch him lean down with a towel in hand as he dabbed it gently over my ankle.

"Cut you deep, didn't it." He mumbled. "This might sting a bit, but it'll clean it up."

Gulping, he put what looked like disinfectant on it, as I sucked a deep breath through my teeth.

Harry then wrapped a bandage around my ankle and sealed it.

"I.. Thank you." I whispered. I could feel his stare nearly burning through me, but I was scared to look at him. I feel like if I did, he'd really kill me.

He simply put my chains back on, chaining my other ankle and tying my hands behind my back.

"Is he going to kill me? Zayn?"

"He won't hesitate to if he's displeased."

"What is he going to do with me?" I murmured, feeling warm tears brim my eyes.

He closes the door loudly, making me flinch. I watch him sigh, as he sits down at the end of the mattress. I was as far away from him as possible, my back to the headboard.

"Zayn buys girls, for his business. He's the manager of the whole thing, basically guys come in to have a good fuck with these girls. And if these girls do as said, then they're kept alive, fed well. Maybe become Zayn's personal favorite too.'' He smirked.

"What do you mean his favorite?''

"You'll get bed action with him, god April don't you know this?" Harry spoke so naturally, it almost made me believe that he was normal.

Stockholm Syndrome / h. stylesМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя