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Bad Moon Rising


"Her heart was a
secret garden
and the walls
were very high."

                   -William Goldman

  "Thanks for coming, Ric" Damon spoke as he shut the door behind them after the teacher entered the house. "You need something to drink? Coffee? Bourbon? Bourbon in your coffee?"

  Nixie chuckled from the couch as she listened to the vampires words capturing the teachers attention, "who's this?"

  "Right" Damon nodded as they reached the end of the hall, "forgot you guys haven't been aquatinted yet, Ric this is nuisance, nuisance, Rick."

  Nixie shook her head at Damon's joke before standing up and offering her hand, "it's actually Nixie and it's nice to meet you Ric."

  Alaric shook her hand with a small grin, "hey, anyone who can get a reaction like that from Damon is alright in my book, it's nice to meet you Nixie."

  Damon put a hand on his chest in mock offense before they fully entered the living room where Elena and Stefan were already waiting.

"Elena mentioned needing my help" Ric informed as he took the seat on the couch next to Nixie. The protectress sat back while the three discussed matters that she wasn't really interested in. It was times like these where being a protector almost felt like being a therapist, you're forced to care about other people's problems and try to come up with solutions that don't end up with someone getting killed. She would've spoke up on the issues but unbeknownst to all the men in the room, her and Elena sat on the phone a majority of the night planning today's events. They were completely unaware that the doppelgänger informed Nixie on everything that's happened and what is currently happening right now. Stopping Damon from staking Elena really paid off in the end for the protectress, now all she had to do was sit back and see what they decided.

"Aside from vampires, what else is there" she heard Elena ask the teacher who was contemplating his next words.

"The lycanthrope" Alaric informed earning surprised looks from the vampires in the room.

"Wait.. like werewolves" Elena gaped as she faced her boyfriend wondering why he'd never heard of anything.

"No way" Damon shut down, "impossible. Way too Lon Chaney."

And here comes Dr.Dovers Nixie internally groaned, specializing in informing the weak minded of things they can't comprehend. "Actually" she spoke up capturing everyone's attention, "he hit the nail right on the head with that one."

Damon stared at her with narrowed eyes, there was no way werewolves were real and he'd never heard of them. Where were they, hiding under rocks? No, just no. "I've been alive on this planet 160-some odd years. I've never come across one."

"Maybe they like a little sweetness in their meet" Nixie shot back, "all that blood and bourbon turned you sour." The vampire sneered at her before shrugging, "okay so if werewolves exist, where the hell are they?"

Weak minded Nixie reminded herself as she tried not to lash out at the stubborn vampire. "They're right under your noses" she revealed, "werewolves are a rare breed anymore, finding one is like winning the lottery. Most of them travel in packs and they're hidden in various mountain ranges where nosey people can't find them, or in this case nosey vampires."

  "Well, why do you suspect the Lockwoods" Ric asked while trying to remember seeing anything suspicious about any of them.

  "Because vervain didn't effect the mayor on Founder's Day" Damon listed, "but the Gilbert device did. And it effected his son Tyler."

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