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Brave New World


"We don't meet
people by accident.
They are meant
to cross our path
for a reason."

                -Kathryn Perez

By the time Stefan reached the area he last seen Elena and Nixie, the protectress had already bid the human goodbye and disappeared.

"Hey" he greeted his girlfriend for the second time that day, "where'd your, uh, friend Nixie go?"

Elena paused in her decorating and gave him a strange look, "she said she had to go home and get ready.. why?"

"No reason" Stefan smiled while wrapping an arm around her, "just wondering what you were doing over here all alone." Any other time Stefan wouldn't have bothered to keep the secret from Elena, but he didn't want to make any assumptions about her new friend, especially not if they came from Damon. He decided he'd confront her later on at the carnival while she was alone, he didn't want to risk the chance of upsetting Elena.

Elena gave him a grin as she kissed his cheek, "well thank you for checking on me, but I'm actually all finished up here." Nixie told her she'd meet her back at the school around 6:30 so until then she had nothing to worry about.


Nixie pushed her way through the hundreds off teens that were scattered throughout the Carnival, eyes searching for a specific person. She finally recognized the pin straight hair being accompanied by a certain curly haired witch. Also taking notice that the two were currently conversing with one of the carny guys and when she finally made it to them, Bonnie and the random dude had already walked off together.

"Hey" she greeted causing Elena to turn and give her an excited smile.

"Hey! I'm glad you could make it back, cute sweater."

Nixie looked down at the slightly baggy sweater with a snarl, she didn't want to wear the damn thing but with a wild Stefano on the hunt for her she figured she should blend in a little. And by blend in, she means not show off the tattoos littering her skin that would probably catch a lot of eyes. "Thanks" she grumbled while pulling at the fabric with a frown.

Elena laughed at her friends obvious hatred towards her clothing, in all honesty it was a cute sweater but she could tell Nixie wasn't the type of girl who thrived for "modest." "Well, I think you look great" she complemented her tempered friend.

  Nixie nodded in appreciation but didn't speak as her stomach began to twist uncomfortably. She didn't want to admit it, but her body had been  warning her all day about something happening and right as she entered the carnival, it got worse. Whatever was gonna happen, it was gonna happen here and of course, Elena would be a part of it. She couldn't help the way her eyes darted around every so often trying to spot any lurking danger but all she saw were overly hyped up teens riding death traps.

  Her sensitive ears just so happened to pick up on a familiar voice causing her to purse her lips in frustration. She turned towards a patient Elena with a frown, "Do you mind if I hit the bathroom real quick?"

  "No not all" Elena waved her off, "I'm actually gonna go look for Stefan and I'll meet you later okay?" She knew she promised to spend time with the girl in front of her but she just wanted to make sure everything was alright before then. She needed this night to be perfect and she wanted to make sure to keep Nixie out of their vampire drama.

Malicious Intent (Klaus Mikaelson)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora