37. Couldn't Stop Myself

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Trying to free my hand from his grasp, I soon found my back shoved up against the wall of a building. Flinching in pain from the roughness I see us in an alleyway, away from the view of the street.

"You will love me once again Hika. You have only forgotten, so I will remind you."

Staring at him in pure terror his hands made quick work of unbuckling my pants. My fists hit him, hoping he would loosen the grip he had of me. My back was pressed so tightly to the wall though, I could barely move.

"Stop this! Please!"

His lips slammed against mine as I felt his hands push down my jeans. Heavy tears fell from my eyes, knowing full well Hanzu was planning to rape me.

"W-why me.." Whispering weakly through my sobs the moment he removed his lips from mine.

He smiled at me and caressed my wet face as the rain still fell upon us in the alley. "Because I love you, and I will do anything for us to be together forever." His grasp on my body tightened as I suddenly found my face pressed up to the rough scratchy wall. "Hikaru, I love you." His voice scared me, as I felt him pulling down my boxers. Soon just like my pants, they were on the ground, wrapped around my ankles.

Trying to escape from his grasp was impossible. His body was pressed up against mine, not to mention his hands and arms caged me in.

"Don't, p-please." I begged him as I felt his own length rubbing against my bare ass. With the wind and rain, I didn't even hear his jeans getting unzipped. "Hanzu, don't do this." I felt completely worthless and weak.

About to beg him again to stop, a loud scream escaped my lips, as I felt him roughly shoved himself inside of me. "AHH!" The pain was immense, as suddenly Ryuu's smiling face entered my mind. My hands went to his arms as I scratched at him weakly, while crying.

This did nothing to stop him as he started to thrust in and out of me from behind. "H-ah, I Forgot how amazing being inside you felt." Hanzu whispered into my ear as his wet sandy blonde hair stuck to his face.

"H-help.." My cry for help was so quiet and weak. I knew no one would hear it. Squeezing my blue eyes shut, my body shook in terror as my ex boyfriend raped me.

"Hikaru!" My eyes opened as I heard a different voice calling out my name. I couldn't recognize it, as my heart raced. Suddenly I felt Hanzu get pulled out from being inside of me, as well as his body away from my own. With him not holding me to the wall anymore, my body collapsed to the wet dirty ground. Shivering and shaking in fear of what just happened I hear that voice again.

"You asshole! How dare you fucking do this to him!"

Trying to look up, though my vision was so blurred by tears and the rain I had no idea what was happening. Only thing I knew was I heard two men fighting, before I soon felt a hand on my shoulder. My entire body tensed up, as I squeezed my eyes shut. Both my jeans and boxers remained around my ankles. While I pulled my knees to my chest as I hugged them to my chest as I cried weakly.

Hearing the voice, they sounded like they were speaking into a cell phone. "Ryuu yah it's me. You need to get over here ASAP, Hika is in trouble." That was all I could really focus on through my crying.

"Hika, don't worry." The voice that yelled at Hanzu earlier, was softer now in tone. "Ryuu is on the way. Plus I called the cops.

Finally raising my face from my knees, I stared into the green eyes of the familiar brunette. "T-toshi..." I whispered out weakly as the rain poured down onto the two of us.

"I was walking home from shopping, when it started to rain. Then I hurried my steps, only to hear what sounded like someone screaming out. I thought I was losing my mind, until I noticed your bright red hair."

Why Me?Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora