10. Partners

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Ryuuzaki's PoV

"Ryuu-nii, where have you been?" Arriving home from Hikaru's, I was met right away by my little sister.

"Hmm? oh I was at Hikaru's. Today was my first day of tutoring him." My answer was true, I tried to look casual, to look calm.

"So, is that the reason why you look so happy? You have been smiling like a fool, since you walked through that door." I froze as I turned to meet Akira's bright green gaze. She was giggling madly. "So was I right? Was he jealous?"

Feeling my smile drop, I was unsure what to say to her. "Uhh I, h-he..."

Suddenly Akira hugged me tightly to her small form. "Ryuu-ni you know." she giggled more. "You smell like a guy."

Rolling my eyes I laugh softly. "Well, if you haven't noticed. I am a guy."

Shaking her hair, her soft blonde hair moves around. "No, I mean you smell like another guy." My eyes grow wide, she can smell him? "I will love you no matter what, you know that. Right Ryuu-nii?"

"Akira, what are you saying?" I spoke as I looked down at my younger sister. She could always see right through me. She knows me better than anyone. She knows all my secrets, all my true feelings.

"Ever since this Hikaru showed up at your school. This whole week, I have seen you happier than you have ever been." She takes my hand after her long hug, and she squeezes it softly. "We both know, I can't speak for mom and dad. However to me, you will always be the same Ryuu-nii. Even if you want to be more than friends with him."

"I, Akira I don't know what to do." Whispering out defeated, I sigh heavily. "Never once, have I ever been this confused before."

"I know." She spoke gently, hugging me once more. Returning the hug I hear were speak softly. "Just follow your heart. If being with him, makes you happy. Then that is the right path for you.

"So, you truly wouldn't think differently of me? If I decided to become gay?" Whispering out the truth nervously.

"Silly!" She suddenly pulled from the hug, and smacked me hard across the chest. "That isn't something, you can just decide in a day. It is something you are born with. Either you know from the very start. Or in your case and many others. You don't realize, until you meet that special someone."

"That is basically what Hika said too."

"Awe! You are already call him a cute nickname!" My sister squealed loudly. "Can you bring him here? I want to meet him!" Her eyes shine with excitement.

"Shut up." I glare at her. "He said I could call him that." I grumbled out, making my direction towards the stairs.

Leaving her downstairs, I walk to my bedroom and collapse on my bed. Even my little sister knows better than I do. She wants me to be happy, even if that entails dating a guy.

Laughing out deeply, the image of Yumi's face entered my mind. Her fave would be priceless, to learn I dumped her for a guy. However then my friends pop into my head. What would they all think? Would they be grossed out, and nervous to be around me? What if they worry, I would hit on them?

"Damn it, how does Hika deal with all of this?" Whispering to myself, I stare into nothingness. Then the painful truth hits me. He learned to live everyday, with everyone calling him a freak. "Would everyone I care about, treat me the same way?"


The following couple days at school, I did my best to try and avoid Hikaru. It's simple really though. I know all of his classes, not to mention where he spends his free period and lunch break.

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