11. I Want All of You

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"Hika, I said shut up."

Standing there frozen, as Ryuu slammed his lips to mine. His kisses showed his hunger, and desire he craved so badly. Giving in, my knees grow weak as I kiss him back just as desperately.

His strong arms, wrapped around my tiny body felt amazing. Reaching up onto my tip toes, my arms wrapped around his neck. Naturally this only caused him to growl into the kiss, before pulling away slightly. I worked on catching my breath, as he gazed into my eyes. They were filled with passion, when was the last time anyone looked at me in such a way?

"I want you." His husky deep voice, made my body shiver. "I want all of you Hika."

"W-what about, Yumi." I asked just above a whisper.

"Let me deal with that after, I know now, what I want. She, she doesn't make me feel like this."

Allowing him to grasp my hand, he pulled me gently to the couch. My face burned in a deep blush, as he pushed my body to lay on the couch. Gulping as he climbed over top of me, god I was loving every moment of this. Slamming his lips once more upon mine, I gladly kissed him back. My hands raised to his luscious brown locks, as I ran my fingers through his soft hair.

Soon his hands started to roam my body, how could I not moan out in pleasure. "Mm, Ryuu..." I whispered out his name breathlessly, against his lips as he pulled back softly.

"Truly, I don't think I ever heard anything so hot before." His voice whispered deeply into my ear.

Feeling Ryuuzaki pushing up my sweater, and shirt. My hands, instantly went to his white shirt. Slowly I started to unbutton it, as his hands now roamed my stomach that was showing. Blushing madly as he pushed them up higher, to reveal my nipples.

"Ryuu.." Once more I whispered out his name softly, as his shirt was now fully unbuttoned. This urged him on, as his fingers moved to caress my nipples. "H-hah!" My body arched up, as I shivered out madly. God, his touch felt heavenly. My own hands ran across his body, feeling all of his muscles.

I knew this was all so new to him. However once he realized I enjoyed the touch of my nipples, he leaned down his body more. Soon his lips kissed up my stomach, until his hot breath hit my now perked up nipple. Slowly did he then, let his tongue softly caress over it.

Another loud moan escaped me. The same moment, another used their keys to unlock the door. However we were both so distracted, neither of us heard it.

As his tongue licked my nipple, while his fingers caressed the other. He suddenly pulled away quickly with wide eyes, the moment he heard the door open.

My body lay on the couch, chest still exposed as my breathing was heavy. Sadly I watched him rush to try and button up his shirt.

"Ryuu, I thought I saw you come h-here....OH!" His friend gasped out as, seeing the sight of his best friend buttoning his shirt.

Slowly I sat up, my shirt and sweater falling back over my body. Biting my lower lip, I felt so stupid. Just because he wants me, doesn't mean he wants anyone to know.

His friend, looked from him to me, back to him again. Both our faces flushed, our breathing heavy. "Uhh, Ryuu." He cleared his throat. "I can uhh leave, If I am interrupting something."

"Toshi no!" Ryuu quickly blurts out. "Hikaru and myself are partners in uhh, advanced lit. We were just meeting to you know, discuss our project."

Feeling his friends gaze travel to me once more. He spoke shyly. "Right, well I will uhh just be going."

"Toshi wait!" Ryuu jumped up quickly to stop his friend. "This really, isn't what it looks like."

"You will need to do a way better job than that, at convincing me Ryuu." Toshi sighed out.

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