"Noi sweetie I'm still up here!"

"Whoops, sorry Thyme." Noi chuckles. "Where to?" He placed the couch where Ava tells him to put it, it's now facing the kitchen and the camera in front of it.

"You know you guys can sit right." I told the guys. They're all standing behind the couch while Ava and I sit on it. Why do I get the feeling of something disturbing?

"No way that bed is way to soft." Leif commented.

"This isn't a bed it's a couch."

"I was the one who had to sleep on it." Asch said.

"The floor was better to sleep on."

"Sitting was better though."

"I prefer to stand." The heck?

"Okay, you guys don't like the couch, I get it. Just look pretty and smile." Ava clicks the camera.

"Pumpkin!" Oh no Ava's dads.

"Dad, Pop, this isn't what it looks like!" Andrew throws away the camera with an angry look. Then the two men grabs us and takes us away from the Daemos.

"You demons! Get away from our babies. Do you not have a sense of moral responsibility!?" Devon shouted. I'm their baby now?

"We aren't demons, we're Daemos!"

"I'm calling the police." Oh shit! I threw Andrew's phone away from him and went to Ava's side.

"Dad, Pop, please let me explain!"

"Ava you don't have to resort for this, we're your parents we can help you. If you needed money that bad all you have to do is ask."

"It's not like that at all I-"

"Let my prisoner go." Asch threatens lighting up his hand with fire magic.

"You idiot!"

"Did he just-"

"Creat fire?"

"Leif knock us/them out!" Ava and I shout in sync. Leif knocks the three out cold.

"Why did you knock out the prisoner?!"

"I listened to Thyme."

"You better have not killed her--"

"Whatever prissy. Leif do your maji-magig to wake Ava up and Pierce help me get her parents out the door."


"Just do it!" He grabs Ava's dads, placing them down on the floor outside the main door. Dang he's so stong and tall. I heard the others and Ava came running and she shuts the door behind her.

"Please, please, please let this work the second time." Ava chants. "You guys need to hide now! If my parents see me with you guys they won't belie- I mean they'll kill you! T-t-they're just way to powerful, y-you've angred them!"

Me and the guys made a run for it. "Take the camera!" They went through their portal while I fix the mess and pretend nothing happen.

"Where are they? I'll-"

"Hey Andrew, Hi Devon!" I said with a cheeky grin, coming out of the kitchen.

"What are you guy talking about?" Ava asks, "It's just me and Thyme, we don't know any-"

"Ava I broke the camera." Oh for heavens sake Noi why?! I trusted you!

"I knew it! Who are you?" Andrew asks as Noi run towards Ava's side. No no no no.

"Dad, Pop, this is my uh-"

"I'm her boyfriend!" Noi declares.

"I- I- I'm sorry, her what?!"

"Oh my God.. I told them.. to.." Wrong move indeed.

The family interacts with Devon fanboying and being grateful of Ava having a 'boyfriend'. They introduce themselves to Noi and invited us to eat, I had to say no but Devon encourages me to come cause they will be paying for it.

"Thank you for the offer, but really it should just be you four to get to know Noi and their relationship and stuff."

"Alright suit yourself. And don't be discourage about being the third wheel, I know someday you will find that lucky person." I nodded to Andrew a thanks as Ava closes the door, excusing herself of freshing up when we marched inside the Daemos' magic door.

"Guys emergency! Here's the deal, my parents wants Noi and I to go out to eat on a date or something I need you guys to hide his horns." Ava explains.

"A date?"


"Because of the suspicion he caused earlier!" I exclaimed. "Look, a date is a stage before marriage to see if they like- er are compatible with each other and want to be together forever."

"Wait, like courting with Noi?" Rhys asks.


"What's that mean?" Ava asks.

Shit she doesn't know? "Exactly like courting." I respond to Rhys' question. The guys all look surprise and Asch order Leif to carry us outside because they need to man huddle.

"Thyme you have come with us! I haven't gone out on a date before." Ava cried put.

"Listen as much as I want to help you, I'm don't want to become the awkward 5th wheel."

"Then bring one of them!"

"No, I'll just support you and someone has to keep those demons in checked."

Ava sighs. "Any advice?"

"Remember to just act natural because you have to lead Noi on this one. Think of him like he's Yoosung or one of the double B. You sorta had training with the dating sims you play and all of the anime series--"

"That doesn't make any difference! What if this goes wrong?" Ava screeched as Noi then came out without his horns.

"Pumpkin let's go!" I drag Ava and Noi outside the door and wave them all goodbye while give Ava the 'you can do it' look. When I closed the door, I heard the guys marched to the living room arguing about what I assume why they should and shouldn't trust Noi.

"It doesn't matter. We're going to ensure doesn't fail or if he does, we'll take his place."

"You guys are idiots. Why even spy on them when you should trust Noi to handle his date."

"That's exactly why we should follow them." Asch argued.

"And how will you do that? You can't just magically turn invicible and waltz your way in there." I.. spoke so soon, Asch tucks away his horns and turns invisible.

"Anymore questions?"

"Well, fuck me gently with a chainsaw." I muttered. The others turn invisible as well while Rhys tries to stop them but couldn't. He shouts with great frustration and ends up turning me invisible as well and all of us went to find Ava.


(A/N: In case of any confusion, Devon is the blonde fun dad and Andrew is the political dad with glasses.)

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