Fate Part 1 (Revamped)

Start from the beginning

The song ends and Sean pulls away, pressing a quick kiss to the back of her hand to punctuate the end of the dance. He returns her to her table, where Kaycee is immediately showered by compliments - "You're so beautiful!", "You're so lucky!", "You're so in love!". She takes it in stride by downing two glasses of champagne and counting down the minutes.

At the 25th minute mark, Sean comes to collect her. They instinctively intertwined their fingers as they quickly bid their farewells, with Sean appeasing their grumbling friends by making some insinuation that "Kaycee's had a long week and needs some extra care." Throw in a good-natured wink, and they leave everything thinking whatever the hell they want to think.

Hands still linked, they pass by the coat check. Sean nuzzles into Kaycee's neck as they wait for their coats, earning a shy smile from the staff. When their coats arrive, he helps her into hers first, fixing the shoulders and smoothing down the back as she fastens the button in front. Then, she reciprocates the gesture by holding out his coat for him to step into.

It was easy to pretend in the small moments like this, easy to pretend that he truly is a dutiful husband who loves his wife.

And he could have been, in another life.

In another life, Sean would have made an amazing husband. In another life, Sean would have made his perfect wife happy.

Sadly, this was not that life.

The valet pulls up with their car, a Tesla Roadster gifted by Sean's father during their wedding. Both Sean and Kaycee choked at the excessiveness at the time. But in hindsight, they should have seen it for what it was - a bribe to keep them in line, an accessory to complete the picture of a powerful, successful, young couple.

Sean takes the keys from the valet, slipping a generous tip into his hand with a smile. He helps Kaycee into the passenger seat and jogs to his side of the car.

They've just barely pulled away when Kaycee starts to undo her hair.

"Fuck, it's all so fake!" She grumbles, tugging the bobby pins out of her curls. "We're just bullshitting them, bullshitting each other."

It was the same complaint every time, after every party. Sean stopped fighting her on it a long time ago.

"None of this is real." Kaycee continues, not needing a response from her husband. "I hate this!"

It's only when they pull up to a stoplight does Sean offer a response.

"If you hate it so much, why did you even bother coming back?"

He says it quietly without looking at her, just under his breath so Kaycee isn't quite sure she heard him correctly. But the words were said and hung heavily between them. Whatever else was meant to follow her tirade died in her throat. Kaycee opens her mouth to speak, to defend herself, but nothing comes out.

The light turns green, and they continue the drive home in silence.



"Sean, wait for me!" Kaycee cried out, running as fast as her little legs could carry her.

She trailed behind the racing boy, squinting against the light drizzle to keep track of his black mop of a head bobbing along in the distance. The older boy slowed, having reached his destination and allowing the little girl to catch up to him.

When she finally got to him, little mouth panting heavily to catch her breath, she took in their surroundings. Sean had led her to the playground. The place was deserted, no doubt influenced by the less than ideal weather.

Chapters: Stories on Sean & KayceeWhere stories live. Discover now