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I wake up to the sun gleaming into our bedroom as I open my eyes. I yawn as I recall the events that took place yesterday. A huge smile starts to form on my face as I pull my left hand out from under the covers and up to the ceiling. My eyebrows furrow as I look at my ring finger. Where was my ring?

I turn to look beside me and Sebastian isn't there. His side of the bed was neatly made, like he had never even slept there last night. I throw the covers off my body as I run into the bathroom to look for my ring. "Where is it?!", I panic as I look through the drawers. "I just got it yesterday! I couldn't have lost it", I yell as I run back into our room to look on my bedside table. With no sightings of my ring I bend down to look under the bed, in hopes that it fell off my nightstand and rolled under the bed. When I raise the skirt of the bed, I find nothing. "Seb? Babe have you seen my ring?", I call out as I pull on a pair of tights and T-shirt. I brush my teeth and put my deodorant and body spray on as I run out of our room and down the stairs. The boxes that were there yesterday were now gone and nowhere to be seen. "Seb? Where are you?"

The house was dead silent as I walk into the kitchen to look at my phone. There was no sight of Sebastian anywhere and that worried me. I check my phone to see if he left a text but there was nothing. My eyebrows furrow in confusion once again as I stare down at my lock screen. "What?", I whisper as I look at it again. "When did I change it?", I ask myself as I unlock my phone. My previous lock screen of Sebastian and I was now gone and replaced by one of my mom and I. None of this made sense. I don't speak to my mom anymore.

I close my phone as I sit down on the couch, placing my head in my hands. A headache was culminating as I look around the house. My heart was racing. I had no idea what was going on and I was scared. Was this all some sick joke? Was Sebastian pulling a prank on me? "Sebastian this isn't funny. Stop playing games, this isn't funny anymore", I call out as I stand up from the couch. "You've got to be kidding me", I yell as I take notice of something else. The mantel on the fireplace that once held photos of Sebastian and I were different. I was still in the pictures, however Sebastian was completely gone from every single frame. "What the hell is happening"

I pick up my phone again and dial Sebastian's number as I tap my foot on the floor impatiently. After a few rings a woman's voice comes on, "The number you have dialled is no longer available"

"What?", I say as I pull the phone back from my ear. I hang up and redial his number, thinking that maybe I wrote it wrong. Again the same animated voice answers. I hang up and go through my contacts, but Sebastian's name, along with Chris and Anthony's names are gone. Tears form in my eyes as I sit down at the kitchen island. "I'm so confused, what's happening?", I cry as I look around the house. Nothing was making sense, and my heart felt heavy. I just wanted Sebastian, but he was nowhere to be found.

I get off the island chair and walk to the front door, opening it and walking out. "Good morning Miss Valentine", the old man that lived beside us said. I look at him in confusion as he walks back into his home before I could correct him, "That's not my last name—how did he even know that, I never told him what my old last name was", I say as I grab the daily newspaper off the ground. I walk back inside and close the door behind me, locking it. I take a deep breath as I close my eyes, trying to calm myself down before I pass out.

I sit down on the couch as I unroll the newspaper and begin to read it. As I read the front pages headline my heart sinks to the bottom of my stomach, and I instantly feel an overwhelming feeling of nausea. Sebastian Stan and long time girlfriend Kara Huffman engaged?, the headline read. I instantly get a flashback to the time I saw this exact headline in my old office back in New York. I look at the date in the corner, thinking that maybe it's old, but the date reads that of today's date. I throw the newspaper on the coffee table and rush to the bathroom as I feel bile rise from my throat. I open the toilet lid as I discard last nights dinner into the bowl. I lean back against the wall once I'm finished, wiping my mouth with toilet paper. I sniffle as I press my hand to my forehead.

Once I feel stable enough to stand I lean against the sink to brush my teeth and eliminate the disgusting taste in my mouth. I grab my mouthwash and clear my mouth of the germs and bacteria as I spit it out. I wipe my mouth and close the bathroom light as I pick up my phone again and call the only person I know that can help me. "Hello?"

"Jess? Jess thank god!", I exclaim as I hear her voice. "Dani? Dani what's wrong?"

"Jess I think I'm losing my mind. I woke up this morning and I couldn't find my engagement ring, and then Sebastian just disappears and I can't contact him because apparently his number isn't available anymore, and my neighbour called me by my old last name when I never even told him what it was", I ramble as I sit down. "Dani? Are you feeling okay?", she asks slowly. "Yeah...why?"

"Who's Sebastian?"

"What do you mean who's Sebastian? He's my fiancé!", I tell her as if it's the most obvious thing in the world. "Fiancé? Since when were you engaged?"

"Jess? I called you yesterday to tell you..remember?", I say as I lean back against the couch. My head began to pound as my mind filled with multiple thoughts, "You didn't call me yesterday. I didn't even know you had a boyfriend. Dani are you sure you're feeling okay?"

"I'm fine!"

"Dani you only have one last name. What do you mean your neighbour called you by your "old" last name", my sister questions me, worry evident in her tone. "My real last name is Decker, remember? When we found my real dad"

"Okay I'm booking a flight to Los Angeles right now. You're obviously not okay", she cries as I shake my head. "Jess you're not listening to me. I'm fine! I just don't understand what's going on. Everything was fine yesterday, and this morning I woke up and everything was different"

I sigh as I close my eyes, trying to comprehend what was happening to me right now. Was I really going insane? "Okay, I'm gonna ask you something. How long have you been living in Los Angeles?"

I laugh at my sisters question as I answer her, "Almost two years". I hear Jess gasp on the other side of the phone as the line goes silent. I hear her take a deep breath before speaking again, "Dani, you moved to Los Angeles five years ago", she says slowly. I stop moving as my heart drops. Five years ago?! "What?! Jess I'm gonna call you back", I tell her as I hang up. I throw my phone as far away from me as possible as I grip onto my head.

I think about my time in New York and how the feud with my mom and Louis started, then to the time where I met Sebastian for the first time, finding the letter my mom wrote to me telling me that Louis wasn't my real father, then falling in love with Sebastian even though he was with Kara, him coming back to New York to profess his love for me, finding my real dad and moving to Los Angeles with Sebastian and becoming best friends with Anthony and Chris. All these memories were so clear and prominent in my mind, but none of them seemed to be real. The photos I had in my phone of the guys and I were gone, like I had never taken them in the first place, the pictures in the house that once held Sebastian and I were now replaced with pictures of myself, Jess, my mom and Louis. It's like I had never met Sebastian. It's like he never existed.

And that's when it hits me. I run up to our bedroom as I open the closet. The side that once held Sebastian's clothes was now empty, and filled with my own. I drop to my knees as I slowly put the pieces together, everything becoming much clearer now. None of this was real, none of it ever was. All of this, all my memories with Sebastian, it was all a dream.

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