Chapter 24

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《Lyndsey and Cameron moved out》
    "I can't believe we acually moved out" i said sitting on our new leather couches. It's only been a day.

    "We should work on the baby room today!" Exclaimed Cameron.  I swear he's acting like a girl right now. I never knew a baby can do this to him!

   "I don't know"

   "Come on we have all the furniture and paint and all that"

  I finally agreed and ran upstairs.  Ethan was fast asleep in his crib in Cameron and i's room.  I have a baby monitor that i carry around so if he cry's i know.

  First we painted the walls light blue, then we put little stickers of dinosaur over where the crib will go, next we brought in the white one person sofa in one corner, the we put a changing table in another corner, we put a small thing of shelves for his dippers, wipes,  bottles, e.t.c. After setting up his closet and bring in the crib we where finished. 

   Ethan was still asleep so we left him be.

   "The room came out perfect" i said

    "Yeah it did. I'm an awsome dad" he proudly said.

      "And an awsome boyfriend" i said kissing his check.

      "You missed" he said pointing to his lips. I laughed and pecked his lips.

  "Your mum and sister still coming tomorrow to see the baby?" I asked

    "Yeah" he answered.

  I made dinner and Cameron and i ate watching tv. Once we finished and i took care of the baby we went to  bed.

I woke at 10 in the morning. Cameron's mom and sister will be here at 1.

  I got up leaving Cameron sleeping.  I went in Ethan's room and took him out.

    We went downstairs and i set Ethan in his bouncer. I decided to cook breakfast.  I quickly whipped up chocolate chip pancakes,  bacon, and sausage. 

   Once i finished Cameron came down.

    "What is that delicious smell" he said coming to the kitchen.

     "Good morning to you to" i laughed handing him his food at the table.

     "Good morning" he said back setting me on his lap kissing me.


    Once we finished eating Cameron went out to get a couple of house items while i got Ethan ready. I didn't have to worry about cleaning cause Ethan isn't capable to make a huge mess.

    "Let's get you fed and bathed" i said picking Ethan up and heading up a bottle. When he finished his breakfast we went to the bathroom. 

   I put in his froggy bath bed into the tub. I stripped him and put him in. I have to work quickly so he doesn't get cold. I put the water on warm but not to warm. I washed his hair and body.  Once we finished i wrapped him in a towel and we headed to his room.

   I dried him really well before putting on his cloths. I want to put something comfy on. I put on a one peice outfit that had blue, brown, and white little dogs on it. (Outfit at top!). He has a head full of hair but i can't brush it cause of his soft spot. I gently moved it with my hand making it look decent.  Lastly i put on a hat that matches the one peice and has brown ears.

"Look how handsome you look" i said tickle him.

  I felt a pair of hands slip around my waist

   "Yes he is" it was Cameron.

     "I like his outfit" i said

      "Yeah i picked it out" he said.

        "I figured" i laughed


   We went downstairs and i decided to make lunch.

    "Cameron what do your mom and sister like" i said looking through the fridge as Cameron has Ethan.

     "Anything really,  i suggest Hispanic food i dont know" he responded

      "Really? You dont know?" I said laughing.   I guess the easiest to make in a short time is tostadas. The pork was already boling cause i was gonna make them anyways. I made the juice and cut the lettuce. 

  "I got it" i said running to the door to answer it.

   "Sierra!" I said hugging her and then her mom.

    "Smells good" they both said coming in.

     "I'm making tostadas"

      "My favorite!"

   "Wanna hold him?" Cameron asked his mother.

      "I would love to hold my grandson" she said smiling.

     "So he just came unexpectedly?" Sierra asked

     "Yeah we didn't even know. I never gained a pound,  i still had my period every month, i had no symptoms"



   "Here you go Sierra" said his mom handing her the baby.


   "Hi Ethan i'm your Aunty Sierra"she said tickling him.


    "I dont know about you but i'm hungry" Cameron  complained.

   "Then lets eat"

  I made everyone's tostadas.  We all sat and ate. As i sat down and Ethan and started to cry. I stood up but cameron stopped me.

  "Eat, i got him" i smiled and sat down

   "I always knew he would be a great father" Sierra said

    "Yeah, he really is"

      "Did he pop the question yet?" His mom asked


  I almost chocked on my food. Why would cameron want to marry me?  Oh shut up Lyndsay.

  "No i dont think so, not any time soon."

  "You never know Lyndsey, he really loves you"

    "I guess"

Before our conversation went any further Cameron came back. Thank you Cameron.




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