Part 1: David Boreanaz

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David's POV

It was another day here in Los Angeles, although lately things have been getting...strange around here. There's been reports on the news of two missing celebrity males, Ryan Phillippe and Jay hernandez. Then a bizarre report where one of our local firefighters...and I'm pretty sure he's a former child actor, Mike Vitar, was found this morning in a...nude situation. Apparently he had been tied to his lawn chair in his backyard and a neighbor called the news crew!. I wonder what on earth happened to those two celebs. In the Jay Hernandez case they found Jay's wife, Daniella, bound and gagged on her bed and she claimed that a man came in and kidnapped her husband. I grabbed the remote and shut the news off, not wanting to listen to anymore of it. I sit quietly in my living room home alone while my wife, Jamie, is out. I decide to lie down on the couch and rest my eyes for a few minutes. I must've fallen asleep because when I woke hands were tied above my head and to the legs of the couch, my feet were tied to the other side of the couch. I was gagged. I looked around trying to look for Jamie or the person that tied me up, "Mmmmmmpphh!" I shouted but no one came. I struggled and tried to get out...but it was worthless. I was bound and gagged good and I wasn't getting loose. Next thing I know, a strong muscular hand covers my eyes and I whimper and struggle some more, "Shhhhh, I got you David! Your feet are mine!" A deep male voice said. I shivered and struggled still trying to break free. Next thing I knew, Jamie was firmly holding my wrists as I continued fighting, I stopped as soon as I saw it was Jamie and I wasn't tied up, "David! You were dreaming!" She said worried. I sighed in relief and pulled her in my arms to hug her. I know that all this bizarre news on the TV is really getting to me now...

A few hours went by and I was much settled down now, but I was still thinking about it. It was so strange, What did he want with my feet? I wondered. The dream...or nightmare, didn't make any sense to me. However...the feet thing is probably because I actually do have a foot fetish but...only for my wife's, I don't have a foot fetish on my own feet!, and the man in the dream! What was with him? I'm not gay, not that I have anything against gays it's just I'm married!. It's just all the bizarre news on tv, I'm overreacting I tell myself. I try to shake all these thoughts from my head and get on with my day.

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