If I Stay 《3》

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Chapter 3 《concerns》


The next morning I woke up cold, I couldn't open my door because I'm not comfortable with that. I dressed in a black champion pull over hoodie and black sweat pants. I tied my black jordans on my feet and grabbed my bag opening my door and closing it.

As long as he knows that I'm at school he wouldn't go into my room. I walk down the stairs and he sees me from behind the island, his hand already has a beer in it and he looks totally wasted. He's sweaty, he's wearing a white t-shirt which was old and had holes in it. He took a gulp of beer and sat it down with a burp.

"Where were you yesterday?" His voice was low and dangerous, that sent chills up my spine and not the good kind. I was frozen in my tracks.

Not today dad I have school.

"Don't make my repeat myself!" He slams his hand on the counter which made me jump. I look at him unaware if he's going to do something.

"Are you mute?" He asks and begins to walk over. No, please no dear God help me.

I shake my head but my mouth remained closed. He soon harshly grabbed my face and I dropped my bag.

"You... stupid bitch," he breaths, "you were out fucking around weren't you?"

A whimper escapes me and I shake my head hard. I don't want my dad thinking I'm giving myself away, I'm not like that but he doesn't even know his own daughter.

A tear runs down my cheek as he gripped my face harder. If he continues he might break my teeth, my dad is strong like that and I hate the fact that God made him way. I can't take this any longer.

I forcefully move his hand and grab my bag smacking him in the face just so I could get away. He falls to the ground and I hurry and scurry out.

There is no way I'm coming back in peace tonight.


I made it to school unnoticed and now I'm in the bathroom looking at my face crying. He left a bruise, of course he did. It was swelling up but it wasn't noticeable unless you get close in my face. It hurts like hell move my mouth or even touch it.

I run the hot water and get a paper towel and soak it, resting it on my face. Tears continue to come down my eyes.

I'm glad no one seen me cause they would've had tons of question as to why I'm crying so much.

"Oh my gosh, she isn't even pretty-" a voice stops and I sigh. Why couldn't I cry in a stall.

Charlotte Owens stands with her pink purse dangling in her arms and her mini me right beside her. They both look at me with confused eyes.

"Are you crying?" She asks the dumbest question in the world. My eyes are red and teary, not to mention I'm sniffling a lot.

"What does it look like?" I snap and grab another paper towel. I know I shouldn't be bitchy but I have a right, this girl as always hated me for whatever reason. Always tormenting me and never knowing how to shut the fuck up.

She looks as if she's just seen a ghost.

"Don't snap at me crybaby. I'm sure your tiny heart will get over your breakup with Tyler," she teases. Did I also mention she's talking to Tyler, the boy I broke up with. Sooner or later they'll be dating soon.

"That's not even what I'm crying about," I sniffle again and wipe my eyes. Either way it still looks as if I've been crying.

She scoffs and I stand in front of her.

"Do you mind moving. I'm trying to leave," I say out of desperation. This bathroom is starting to stink of fakeness.

"Not until you tell me why you're crying," she puts her hand on her hip.

I scoff, as if, "you don't care."

"I do care that's why I'm asking," she crosses her arms and glares at me.

I hate this girl.

I push pass both of them and walk with my head down, that isn't until I bumped into someone which almost made me fall backward.

"Camilia, hey," oh God. His voice sounds too happy and too familiar.

I look up at Mason and wish I never did, his face changes quick and he furrow his eyebrows.

"Were you crying?" Is the first thing he asks.

I shake my head, "my eyes are just... irritated." That's the best lie I could come up with.

"But your face," he gently touches it with his finger and I jump back, that wasn't my intentions because he knows that some thing is wrong.

"Did Tyler do this?" He asks, his tone changed. Why would I tell him? We hardly know each other.

I shake my head and close my eyes.

"Who did it Camilia?" He asks out of desperation.

My mind raced with a lie I could come up with real quick. How would I explain?

"Me," I squeak out. Something told me that he didn't believe me, his face, his facial expression told me he didn't believe me but he didn't press the situation any farther.

"Lets get out of here," he suddenly says and I furrow my eyebrows at him. What?

"What?" I read my thoughts out loud.

"Lets leave," he forced a smile "No one will know besides your best friends... maybe."

Me? Skipping school? If the school finds out they'll call my dad and God knows what he'll do to me. But no one is in the hallway and no one seen me besides Charlotte.



Hola guys, I worked on this chapter for like to days and it isn't even good but it was okay.

Vote and comment oh and share

《 Ja'Cinta 🖤 》

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