The Airport

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Natalie's POV:

Dave and I are back in the car, on our way to the airport to see our families. Were listening to soft music in the car, in silence. Not an awkward silence, but a comfortable one. I can't help but stare at how his lips move in sync with the lyrics, and how his tongue pokes out every few minutes. Since it's L.A, the traffic is horrible, and our GPS says we'll arive in about an hour. As I'm slowly starting to doze off, Dave blasts Dancing Queen as loud as the car speakers would go, camera set up on the dash recording, and screaming the lyrics while laughing. I can't help but laugh and sing along with him after smacking him on the arm for scaring me. 


Were sitting down, waiting for our flight to board, and I'm leaning on Daves shoulder, asleep. About 20 minutes later I wake up to Dave gently shaking my shoulder saying "Nat wake up first class is boarding." About 5 minutes later were running to our gate, and were boarding. As soon as we get on the plane and follow certain safety precautions I'm dead asleep, on Davids shoulder, again. 

Lately I cant help but think what things would be like if Dave and I were to date. I mean sure, were best friends, and we have to keep or relationship professional, but; What if? 


We just landed, and were walking to our baggage claim. Its kinda dark out, and our parents have no idea were here, because we've put them under the impression we'll be flying in next week.  I booked 2 separate hotel rooms, but adjoining ones for us just for over night, and thats where were headed now. As we drive to the hotel to pick up our keys, were informed the room that was supposed to be Davids was booked. "But I booked 2 rooms!" I yelled at the poor lady at the front desk. "Sorry ma'am there seems to have been a mistake, and we only have one room left."Realizing it was to late to go to another hotel, we decided to head up to the room, hoping there would be a couch or something for one of us. 

Dammit! Were in the room, and theres only a king sized bed, and a small recliner. I tell dave i was going to the front desk and ask if they had a cot or something i can crash on for the night. He replies with a laugh and his signature smile, and says, "Nat, don't be silly, we can share a bed, were best friends, and we can share a bed, no weird shit dude." "Fine. Let me go take a shower and get ready for bed." "Hurry up though, I wanna cuddle" Laughing, I walk into the bathroom and get in the shower.  

Shit. Shit. Shit. I forgot a towel. I can't sit here and air dry all night. Whatever. Ill just call Dave, and have him close his eyes and bring me a towel. "Dave!" "What" "Can you please close your eyes and bring me a towel?" "Yup" he responds popping the 'p'. 

Okay so, i know its been a while since i posted, and to the the few of you who actually care about the story, I'm so, so sorry. Ive been going through some shit latelky as far as family issues go, and to top it off, my  phone decided to break! UUUGGGHHH. I might be updating again later today, as i don't have school, but i d have a shit ton of homework which is aMazInG. Love you guys :) I also didn't proofread so sorry for mistakes 

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