„I really just didn't want him to be mad. I was just worried.". he says.

In that moment he absolutely doesn't understand the dark-haired boy. Last night they cuddled and gave each other warmth. He, Win, really liked the company of the younger one. He liked to be close to him, hearing him breathing. Caressing his back gently with his hands moving up and down. He felt how Team relaxed from minute to minute. But now Team is a completely other person.

'Is it just because of his headache? Did I do anything wrong?', Win asks himself.

It might be the best to let him rest until he feels better and don't push him too much. He also needs time to think about the complete situation himself. Does he just enjoy being around Team? The provoking acting, the teasing...or is there something more? He doesn't know yet.

Pharm smiles to Win: „I know. Team sometimes acts like a little drama queen when he is insecure. And his headache doesn't make it better. I can give him the pills you bought if you want to."

Win nods. „Thank you."

He starts walking to the apartment door.

„Win?", Pharm says.

Win stops and turns his head: „Yes?"

„Give him a bit time.", Pharm says with soft voice.

Win nods and leaves Team's apartment without saying anything.

It's after midday and the next classes will start shortly. When Win leaves the building to go back to university again, he only could think about Team's acting. Why is he so sweet in the one moment, but then totally different and unreachable in the other moment? He gets into his car and only a few minutes later he reaches at the university. When he parks his car, he sees his best friend and swimming club president, Dean, waiting for him.

„Where have you been?", Dean says.

„I thought we would meet at the lunch break in the cantine and talk about the new training plan for the new members."

Win just shrug his shoulders but doesn't say a word and passing Dean.

„Hey, Win! What's up?", Dean asks again.

„It's nothing.", he replies and walks into the university.

His next classes will be English. Normally Win likes English. He is really good in this class and it makes fun learning a new language to communicate with others and use it during vacations in other countries. But this time it is different. He can't concentrate properly and doesn't collaborate that much like he normally does. Repeatedly his view straggles to the outside. He can't even say why he is so distracted. Today it's just hard to concentrate. Actually swimming cheers him up, but he isn't even in the mood to swim today. What if he gets ill as well? Well, they didn't take distance last night.

He sighs when the bell rings and stands up. Before he could walk out of the classroom a hand holds his arm. He stops and turns his head.

„What's wrong with you today?", it's Dean again.

„It's nothing, Dean. It's just not my day.", Win answers with sad face.

Dean nods. „Ok, can we talk about the swimming plan now?"

Win just nods and follows Dean into an empty classroom. They sit down and while Dean takes out various documents with swimming plans and schedules Win again straggles. Dean nudges his arm.

„Hey, did you hear what I said?", he asked.

„Hmm?", Win answers.

„I asked what do you think about a trip with all the swimming club members before the school year ends? Like a bonus for their hard work."

Win starts to stammer. „Uhm...yeah. Sounds good. Where do you want to go to?"

„I thought about the training camp in Ko Phayam. They have great bungalows and the rent is not too expensive.", Dean says with a glance in his eyes.

„Hmm...yeah that sounds good. I've been there with my family a few times when I was younger. I can try to contact the manager to make a good deal.", Win offers.

„That would be great! Let me know when you got any information, ok?", Dean asks.

Win nods. Before Dean walks out of the classroom he turns and ask: „Is really everything ok with you? You seem so absent today."

Win tries to smile.

„No worries, everything is fine. I just don't feel that well today. Uhm...do you mind if I skip swimming class today? I just don't think I can swim today.", he asks.

Dean nods.

„Yeah, that's ok. As long as it's just today. You know, we have a lot to do in the next days. And we also have to prepare an event to get money for our trip to Ko Phayam.", he continues.

„It's just today, I promise. Tomorrow I will be fine again. I just need time to rest a bit.", Win says.

„Oh, and I heard that the newbie with the dark hair...what's his name again?", Dean tries to remember it, but the name couldn't come to his mind.

Suddenly Win was wide-awake. „You mean Team?"

Dean nods. „Yes exactly. Well, Team also doesn't feel good and won't come to the training today. You should have an eye on him. He is a little troublemaker, I think. Give him a few extra lessons to cool his head."

He chuckles and left the room.

Win finishes one more class, Math, and then goes back to his car and drives back to his apartment. When he steps into the elevator, he resists to push button „9". Actually, he wants to know what is going on with Team and if he feels better, but he follows Pharm's advice and will give him some space.

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