Chapter 8 - second year

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Harry's second year was an eventful one. We watched daily, checking in on him and his friends. Lily was outraged to find out that he had Lockhart for a professor.
"Well that's a whole year of learning out of the window." She would mutter to herself.
Apart from Harry's incompetent teacher, the rest of the year was going well. Harry was doing well and his friends Ron and Hermione were there for him.
But of course that couldn't last.
And then came the day that Harry heard the 'voice'. How could anyone have know that he would be a parselmouth? But of course our Harry was.. Making it that much easier to frame him for anything and everything. Oh and this just so happened to be the year that the chamber of secrets was opened. Of course. But none of us are bitter.. Not at all.
Lily was found sobbing at one point, thinking that the poor Creevley child was going to die, and if that wasn't bad enough, that Harry was going to be blamed for it. 
As it so happens not everyone did blame Harry for what was going on, his friends stuck by him and the Weasley twins even made a joke out of it by announcing his presence when he walked into a room. Personally I think this lightheartedness was just what Harry (and Lily) needed.
By the time the end of the year approached one of Harry's own friends had been petrified by the monster (we knew that it was a Basilisk which roamed the school.. One of the perks of being dead), but Hermione was smart enough to figure out what had been going on and then even find a way to portray it to Harry.
"She would be a great girlfriend for Harry once they grow up." Lily sighs heavily and I know that she is wishing that she could be there to see it in person. I wish she could be too, it's so cruel for a mother to be taken away from her son at such a young age.
James chooses this moment to enter the room. "Nope, she's not a red head. You know that Potter men are always attracted to red heads."
"Wait you mean that wasn't just some pick up line?" Lily asks astonished.
"It's all true my love." He replies, kissing her forehead. I have to turn away and gag at this.
"Aaaaaanyway lets see what they're up to." I interrupt, hoping to turn their attention away from each other.
We turn on the TV-like-object and once again tune into the life of Harry Potter... who at the moment is battling a humongous Basilisk. What the actual...
"Is he bloody kidding? I'm going to stab Dumbledore when he gets up here! Why would he let my son do this?" Lily begins her rant as we all stay glued to the screen in horror.
After a couple more hours in nail biting panic Harry is ok.. As is Ginny (who James is now convinced that Harry will marry because of the 'Potter curse').
I let out a deep sigh as I cuddle into my duvet. I swear that boy attracts trouble like a magnet. And I thought his father was bad...

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