Watching Over You

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White. That was all that I could see. Why is it so white? Why am I so comfortable? Where am I? What just happened?

I open my eyes. More white. Why that colour? It's so dull! Why not a fun colour, like blue? Or pink!

"You're awake, come on Charls, come give granddad a hug." GRANDAD!! Is this a joke? Is this some kind of sick joke played on me by death eaters? I sit up quickly to see who is playing the joke on me. There standing above me is someone who looks like my granddad, but at the same time doesn't.

"Who are you? Why are you doing this to me?" I ask in a small voice.

"Charls it's me, granddad, I know it's hard to take in but, you're dead Charlie. Come with me I'll explain on the way there."

"The way where?"


We walk on more white, it looks like clouds, isn't that so cool!! Soon we approach a big gold gate. A man is standing at an intrequite desk which is (have you guessed?) white, but it has patterns of gold on it. It is beautiful.

"Name sweetheart?" asks the man, he looks about 40 years old, he is wearing white robes and HE HAS WINGS!!!

"Charlie Jean." I tell the man and he ushers with his hands towards the big gates. As he does this the gates swing forwards to let us in. "enjoy your afterlife Charlie Jean."

"Ummm thank you, you too." I smile. Wow this really is my afterlife. I really am dead. I turn around to take in my surroundings, it's like a village, the houses are quaint and pretty (and nothing accept the floor is white!) there is what looks like a park and children running around, a quidditch pitch and a clothes shop. This is perfect, it's like an after death village, no one ages and no one dies.

"Granddad, why do you look younger?" I question the man besides me.

"We stay at the age when we were most happy, for example you are at the age you died because you were extremely happy this year. Oh charie, I have to go great someone... your house is over there, there's a sign outside with your name, I'll be back later, oh and someone's inside waiting to see you." He then literally flashes away, when can I learn to do that?

I walk towards the cottage that my granddad pointed out earlier and see my name on the sign, quickly I enter and I see an open plan living room, it has a little television and a big couch, the next room looks like a bathroom, with a blue theme to it, the third room I can see into looks like a study, it has lots of books and even a computer (we don't have many of them on earth as its such new technology. Barely any wizards have them, I only know of them as I'm a muggleborn. Standing in the study, looking over the books is someone I would recognise anywhere, my grandma.


"Charlie!" she smiles fondly at me and reaches to hug me. I hold on very tight, afraid that if I let go I will wake up and never see my Nan or my granddad again. "Well I must say I'm pleased to see you, even though I would have liked you to come when you had lived your life."

It really is her. "Honey now before I show you around I must ask, what did you do to your hair?" she presses me.

"Nan! I like it! Don't you?" I laugh.

"its pink!" she states "Come with me, I'm sure you would want to say hello to someone who will be joining us soon." I step outside still talking to my Nan, I can't believe we are all here together.

But when I turn around I see something that makes my heart stop beating (well it would if I still had a heartbeat.)


She's here.

She's dead.

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