Chapter 7 - second year

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The summer that followed was a bad one. Those idiotic dursleys locked away all of his supplies. He didn't have any chance to get to any of it... None of his homework or reading material. I don't understand how anyone could be so cruel. And as if that's not bad enough on one horrible day, when I just happened to be watching Harry while phoebe was off playing with one of the new girls, lily and James had come round and this is about the only form of entertainment James had (except for lily) as all of his friends were downstairs. When random eyes appeared out of the bush I couldn't contain my scream, lily seemed confused also.
"Calm down, it's just a house elf. There are plenty at hogwarts... They make the food and clean the castle. Haven't you ever seen one?" James explained. I was about to reply when the dursley boy came outside to harass Harry and the eyes disappeared.
"What the hell is going on?" I asked quietly.
"I'm not sure, but something strange.. And magical." Lily muttered back.
"Finally." Was James' reply.
After Harry has finished his chores (all while the dursley boy sat on his fat bum and watched tv) he quickly sat down and had a measly dinner before getting yelled at by vernon and going off to his room to 'make no noise and pretend he doesn't exist'.
We all got a surprise when Harry opened his door to find the house elf on his bed. Harry especially.
After Harry's strange encounter with the house elf (now known as Dobby) Vernon burst through the door, luckily Harry had hidden Dobby in the closet.. Something Dobby wasn't very pleased about.
After Vernon left Dobby decided to make as much notice as possible by running downstairs and making sure that Harry could not go back to hogwarts. I could feel Lily's rage at this.
"Stupid house elf." She muttered.
Luckily, even after the dursley's put bars on Harry's window and locked his door (seriously.. Who does that to a kid?) Ron and his brothers came to rescue him! We knew Harry had made a friend for life.
James took a liking for the twins during the rest of that summer, they were awesome pranksters and reminded him of a young James Potter and Sirius Black.
Lily and I however found it adorable when a young Ginny Weasley was too shy to even stay in the same room as Harry.. And he was totally oblivious. Her crush on him was so cute and lily and I decided that we want them to get together, not yet though. They're way too young right now.
The rest of the summer passed quickly, Harry met Guilderoy Lockhart (whom phoebe was infatuated with until she watched him one day and realised that he is a fraud), used the flu network for the first time and met Lucious Malfoy.

But as always the first of September rolled around quickly, the children all excited to finally be going back to hogwarts. They were a tiny bit late, making lily almost hyperventilate. And then... The barrier stopped Ron and Harry getting through. James and I began to panic before lily said (in a very condescending tone),
"All they have to do is write to Dumbledore and he'll arrange an alternative way to get there."
"Oh yeah" James and I said at the same time, followed by a simultaneous sigh of relief. Lily just laughed at us.
Her laughter was short lived, because her son decided it was a good idea to take a flying car through london all the way up to Scotland.
"He has James' brains" I muttered, to which I got a playful punch in the shoulder.
"Hey it's not like it's not true." I defended myself.
"She has a point" lily agreed before we all turned our attention back to the screen where Ron and Harry were shaking because of the cold. Silly boys. But they eventually got there on time, and landed on the whomping willow. Again, silly boys. After barely escaping the tree, the boys were kicked out of the car, along with their possessions and then the car drove off into the forbidden forest.
As if there day couldn't get any worse... Snape found them and took them to his office saying that if it were up to him they would both be expelled. James was outraged.
"Just because he's on Dumbledore's side does not mean that he can treat my son like that!" Lily raged.
"I know, I know... But Dumbledore will fix it. Don't worry" I replied.
After Dumbledore has scared the boys senseless but allowed them to continue at hogwarts they went up to their room, ready to start their second year at hogwarts.

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