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Welcome back to "My Past Haunts Me" This will be the official first chapter of this book! I am so excited to start this book! Finally, after a year, I have finally been able to actually start this.

Oh and so everyone is aware and can have an idea on ages Toshiro I would say is 32 or 33 and Karin is 26 or 27

Chapter 1

    Toshiro sat straight up clutching his head in his hands as he woke up from his dream breathing heavily. His chest felt tight as if it was being squeezed and his whole body was sweating profoundly.  After several minutes had passed he had finally been able to calm his breath and his chest to stop feeling tight. As he calmed down he wiped his white hair away from his eyes and glanced over to his bedside table where his alarm clock sat. It was only 3 AM and he fell back on his bed with a sigh as he looked up at the ceiling.

    "Why did I have that dream..." he muttered, but he knew it wasn't a dream he had lived it a long time ago. It was something that only those that were apart of his case knew about. He sat silently for a few more minutes before he felt his throat start to close up and his mouth became dry. He contemplated if he wanted to get up and go get a drink of water. After 10 seconds he sat back up and moved to the side of the bed to stand up. Walking out of his room he passed a closed door. Briefly stopping he stared at it wondering if the person in the room was sleeping or if she had woken up like him. Toshiro heard a clang of metal and looked up towards the front door to see teal eyes that glowed with the help of the moonlight that shined through the living room. Toshiro was taken back slightly before they began to come closer and Toshiro could clearly see it was Hyourinmaru, his white Siberian husky. Toshiro couldn't help but laugh to himself at being scared of the dog that has been by his side since he got him, but as the dog approached Toshiro could see the age on him. After all, the dog was 14 years old already and Toshiro knew that the average age for his breed was 12 to 15 years old, so he was aware that he might only have a few months to a few years left with the loyal dog. He wasn't sure what he would do after the dog was gone if he would get a new dog or just stay without one. The reason why he got Hyourinmaru in the first place was so he wouldn't be so alone. He looked back at the door he had passed, but with Karin there he wasn't so alone, but he knew that she was looking for an apartment, and if Hyourinmaru passed before she left he would be left alone again. He shook his head trying to get rid of the thoughts before walking into the kitchen to get water. Opening up a cabinet he picked up a glass cup, brought it down and shut the cabinet door before going over to the sink and filling it up with water. He gulped the water down before filling up the glass again and making his way to the couch that was in the front room. He sat down placing the cup of the coffee table he had nearby. Once the glass was safely on the table Toshiro leaned his head back against the couch to look up at the ceiling. Toshiro just listened to the quiet apartment closing his eyes going back to his thoughts. He was brought out of his thoughts when he felt a hand placed on his shoulder. Toshiro jumped off the couch and self consciously reached for his hip where his gun would be if he was in uniform. His eyes were narrow and a darker teal until he realized it was only Karin that stood in front of him.

    "Toshiro?" Karin said in a soft voice, hearing her soft voice calmed him down and his eyes returned to their lighter teal as he dropped his hands to stand up straight.

    "Karin, it's only you... what are you doing up at this time?" he asked curiously. Karin studied him for a moment before she spoke up,

    "I should be asking you that it's 4 AM, I got up to get a drink of water and found you out here on the couch. Is something the matter? You seem on edge?" Karin asked, watching him.

    "No, I just woke up and needed water like you... I must have fallen asleep when I sat down to think for a moment.." he answered only telling her the half-truth. Karin knew he wasn't telling her the full truth, she had learned his tells after living with him for a year already, but she knew this wasn't the time to really push for answers.

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