Chapter 13 plan to action part 1

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Thanks to all the people who supported me through this story it means so much that you all like this story and if not future novels

When its kion pov that is happening when the plan is starting so when it goes from kion to lexis plan it is showing the other side. I think I made that a little confusing anyway you will get it as you read enjoy

Lion camp
The next day the lionesses rallied in Lexi's cave running over the plan once more before they start, "so here's the plan again" Lexi started, "remember Ariel, Aria you two distract swipes and Durack and tell us about any movements that occur", "you got it Lexi" ariel said, "we got this ariel" aria said, "I know sis" ariel replied, "good meanwhile, Amara and Kefira will lure the remaining lions out for a search","you can count on us" Kefira said, "and that leaves Leonia and I to break kion out and get out of here" Lexi finished, "does everybody finally understand", all nodded except ariel, "whats up ariel" Lexi asked, "I forgot what happens when we rescue kion" she said, "well its simple we all meet at the mountain pass before going in" Lexi explained, "so are we all ready to do this", they all nodded and started to initiate phase 1,
Kions pov
meanwhile, kion is sitting in the cage waiting for them to free him, today's the day finally I can go and see rani and my friends I thought, when a vision of scar popped into his head, "hello kion" scar said then disappeared, "ah what where" I said while panicking, when I calmed down I looked around and spotted what it was, "you can finally see me" scar said, "SCAR what are you doing here" I said, "ah not a welcome back from my grandson how rude kion" scar teased, "your not my grandfather anymore" I said, "like it or not kion you will always be related to me no matter how you try to get rid of it" scar explained, "what do you mean" I asked, "well it's very simple you see, we are blood-related" , "I know that" I interrupted, "hush kion let me explain, we are blood-related and related by being a guard leader" scar said, "how does being a guard leader make us related" I said, let me tell you. This is when the story splits to lexis plan side

Meanwhile the plan has started,
Ariel and aria part
"ok, sis we need to keep swipes and durack far as possible from kions cage" ariel said, "so what is out plan to distract them" aria asked "well you will simply ask them for help with something and as soon as you walk of ill go and tell lexi then ill come back to you" ariel explained, "really why me", "becasue you are better looking than I", "aww thanks sis", "any time now get ready because here they come". so aria walked around the corner to greet swipes and durack, "hello boys" she said "hello aria what brings you here" swipes asked, "I need some help with moving some rocks can you two come and help me out" she explained "sure thing aria" durack said, "thank you boys" aria said while turning around and swishing her tail in there faces while walking off, "nice going sis now to tell lexi" ariel wispered, so she made her way to where lexi and leonia were positioned, "any news on swipes and durack's movements" lexi asked, "yea aria is distracting them and ill go and help her soon I just had to tell you first" ariel said, "ok thak you for telling me now go and help your sister" lexi said, "will do", so ariel left to help with the distraction. "Who are we waiting for now" Leonia asked, "we are just waiting for Amara and Kefira to distract the rest of the lions then we make our move" Lexi explained

Part 1 of the plan done now  you will have to wait for part 2  what will amara and kefira do find out in the next chapter

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