Ever since I could remember,

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Ever since I could remember,

My mom always told me that perfection was the key to success. You want to be a successful model? You need the perfect face. You want to be a successful businessman? You need the perfect product. That’s how I landed myself in this hell. Trapped in this hideous body. A hideous body that no one could ever love.

I went to school at Winterfield Academy; I was on top of the social ladder. People worshiped the ground I walked on; any word I ever spoke was permanently engraved into their brains. I was a straight A student, my teachers loved me. I was the president of student government and head of the yearbook committee. The rich and elite surrounded me. Designer clothes, fancy cars and beautiful faces. The only student that wasn’t bathing in wealth was Kyle Berilin. He had cheap, bulky nerd glasses covering his face and wore clothes from Target. People called him ugly, but we all knew he wasn’t. He was an outcast, as was Elaine Porvich. Elaine was just as rich as the rest of us, but still hadn’t lost her baby fat. She was harassed as much as Kyle, and while I didn’t participate, I let the bullying happen. So, when one of the guys pranked her by inviting her to his party as his date then bringing another girl, I laughed with the rest of them. Elaine looked at me with such hatred, but I just shrugged it off.

She yelled at me, “You’ve been corrupted by your beauty, Kelsey! You’re beastly on the inside, but I can change that.”

Elaine then proceeded to mumble words under her breath.

I thought she was crazy.

I walked away and continued to dance. 

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