"Sounds good to me" Nixie nodded and before Elena could even respond the protector disappeared into the crowd of people. She felt slightly rude for leaving Elena but, she'll thank me in the long run she noted while finally spotting the two people she was looking for. "Damon, hey buddy!"

  The vampire who currently had his arm wrapped tightly around the younger Gilbert's neck let out a groan, "you've got to be kidding me." He begrudgingly released Jeremy from his hold and turned around to face the person who interrupted him.

  Jeremy didn't waste any time getting away from the two while Damon was distracted, something he was less than pleased about.

  Nixie didn't want to talk to Damon anymore than he wanted to talk to her, but she could hear the threats he was spewing at Elena's brother all the way from the Ferris wheel. Jeremy may not be her protected but he was important to Elena, which meant he was important to Nixie. "Yeah, hey, how's everything goin'?"

  Damon glared at the girl in front of him and after quickly glancing around, he grabbed her by the front of her sweater and forcefully smacked her into the unoccupied food cart next to them. "I don't know who you think you are princess but I'm getting real sick of seeing you around my town, who the hell are you?"

  Nixie chuckled causing his hold to tighten against her neck but she barely flinched. "Please princess, I'm gonna have to ask you kindly to take a step back, I think I can smell the school girl that you had for lunch still on your breath."  He unknowingly loosened his grip on her in surprise, to which she expertly brought her arms under his and smacked them away. She stepped around the vampire and turned towards him while dusting off any imaginary dirt from her sweater, "you were saying" she grinned.

  Damon was getting ready to throw another snarky comeback when a hand was placed on his shoulder, "everything alright here?" Both of them turned towards the intruder with faces of boredom.

  "Yeah Stefano, everything's great" Nixie nodded while gesturing towards herself and his brother, "Damon and I were just catching up is all, I was thanking him for paying for my meal yesterday."

  Both vampires stared at her, one in confusion and one in interest. "Alright" Stefan nodded even though he knew that wasn't the truth.

  Damon scoffed at his brothers tactics and instead walked towards Nixie and tossed an arm around her shoulders. "Listen" he started, "I don't know who or what you are, and until you decide to spill all your dirty little secrets to me, I'm afraid I'm gonna have to escort you around this carnival, frankly I don't trust you enough to send you out in your own. Our first stop... arm wrestling."

  "Damon" Stefan cautioned while making sure Elena wasn't around, "do you really think....." he stopped mid sentence as he noticed both his brother and Nixie were no longer by him. "..that's a good idea.." The vampire shook his head in exasperation before quickly following behind the two as they made their way to the wrestling club.

The cheers grew louder as the trio got closer, catching the end of the match and watching Tyler Lockwood beat him some random football player with a smirk.

"Cocky little thing, isn't he" Nixie chuckled earning a look from Damon who only gripped her arm tighter.

"He's got strength" Damon noticed.

"He's a triple varsity athlete" Stefan deadpanned, "of course he's got strength. You're reaching."

They watched Mason Lockwood take the seat in front of his nephew, "enter the uncle."

Malicious Intent (Klaus Mikaelson)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant