underfell Sans ( meeting again)

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After meeting the new neighbors which was about a week ago. you haven't seen them very often as you thought you would. You sat down on the couch trying to get comfy since it was your day off but right after you got comfy you heard your doorbell ring. You groaned a bit but got up and went to the door. You open the door slightly but saw no one there. You open the door a bit more and look around but still saw no one. Finally you looked down and saw a Clean Plate. You've realized it was it was the plate you put the cookies on to give to that skeleton. You pick up the plate and went back inside your house.

It was the next day and you had to go to work. You've got up and your daily routine after that you got all the stuff you needed and left for work. You worked at a shop with your friend it was a Bakery which is surprising cuz you can't bake very well but your friend could and other staff members.
So you worked at the cashier most of the time. Two or three hours into your work you saw a familiar looking skeleton walking to the bakery and skeleton walked up to you. as short as he was you are surprised that he could reach the counter. "Hello what may I get you today sir" you said in a usual tone you use with customers. The skeleton looks up a bit at the menu and then speaks. ".. four chocolate muffins" the skeleton says looking up at you. You simply nodded your head and went to go get the muffins he asked for. Once you got the four muffins you brought him up to the counter and told him it was on the house. The skeleton looked at you a bit confused "..um thanks"  the skeleton said as he reached for the muffins but you gently pulled it away.
" first you got to tell me your name" you said with a smile on your face. Skeleton hesitate a bit before speaking "..sans". You push the muffins forward and said " that's pretty nice name" you complemented.
The skeleton quickly took the muffins "yea whatever" the skeleton said as he walked out of the shop. After that encounter that was the most interesting part of it that day. It's funny cuz you thought about Sans often that day.

( thanks for reading the book I know I got really slow updates I'm sorry about that. But tell me in the comments  do you want next and who you want a second part of thx!)

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