Happiness or sorrow?

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Dan's POV:

The last couple of days has been nothing less than lovely, but also well needed. Leah has settled in pretty well by now, she seems to really enjoy living with both me and Jordan. The three of us are always having a good time together, especially those few days in between Sunday's win against Liverpool and our upcoming home game against West Ham tomorrow. Leah is actually funnier than I thought she would be. Now the two of us can make fun of Jordan together.


Leah's POV:

During those last few days I've gotten a lot closer to Dan, she's not just that person who always makes fun of people, and yes, by people I mean Jordan. Dan has that good side too, and I'm really happy that I get to see that side of her as well. We click very well and I feel like I know her just as well as I know Jordan. Dan and I have had really fun together during our rest days. But I'm one hundred percent sure Jordan haven't had such a good time. I mean, if I was that dumb to get trapped like at least three times a day, then yeah I think I would've been pissed too!


Jordan's POV:

Of course I'm pissed of right now, just imagine having to get pranked by those two gremlins a couple of times every day! It's not recommended, that's all I say. Leah and Dan have been pranking me ever since Monday morning, and it seems to be like they're never going to stop doing that either. I guess I'll get used to it sooner or later anyway, so I let them keep up with it. Tomorrow we play West Ham in the league, that's more important to think about now. Apart from Dan and Leah's foolish pranks, the three of us actually have had quite a good time. There have been many things to be happy about during those days off. Even tho a few things haven't been too funny from my point of view, there hasn't been any hard feelings.


The day we've all been waiting for has finally arrived! It's Wednesday and time for our home clash with West Ham. We shouldn't underestimate our opponents today, I have to admit that they have a really strong side. As long as we play like we use to and exploit their weaknesses, then we have a good chance of leaving the pitch with a win.

I was happy when I woke up, not just because it's gameday. So far, neither Leah nor Dan have tried to prank me this morning. I feel like this day is going to be special, as a big smile starts to form on my face. I get dressed and walk into the kitchen, to see both Leah and Dan smiling at me as I appear.

"Good morning Jord, wonder who was the sleepyhead today?" Leah teases.

"Really funny Leah! I'm nearly surprised that you two haven't pranked me today." I say.

"Not yet..." Dan fills in, while exchanging a playful smirk with Leah.

"You two, I'm totally clueless in your company! One can't be safe anywhere near you, I feel like I'm in danger the whole damn time!" I respond, letting out a nervous laugh afterwards.

A few hours later we're on our way to Meadow Park, more than ready to take on West Ham. When Dan, Leah and I enter the locker room, it's nearly empty. The only one being more in time then us was Alex, of course. Alex is always the first one to arrive at our home games, but it does make sense because after all she's the team captain. The four of us sat down on our seats and chatted for a while, before the rest of the girls began to storm in into the locker room, making it impossible to hear what was said in our conversation.

After the warm up we went inside to hear Joe's pre game speech. A bit into his speech, I found myself a little distracted. I did no longer hear anything Joe was saying, I were lost in my own thoughts. The thing that distracted me was Leah, from out of nowhere I've just began to stare into her deep and clear blue eyes. Of course that didn't go past unseen in the locker room. Alex, who sits next to me, nudges me in the side to make me get her attention. She looks at me with a small smile as she knew what I was up to, but that smile at the same time tells me to stop with what I'm up to for now. I try my best to not glare at Leah. It's hard, I can't even listen to Joe anymore, so I just pretend to listen whilst bending my head down a bit to stare at my feet. I don't know why, but my strong feelings for Leah have released inside of me. I'm supposed to deny them, why can't they just leave me alone for some time? And why appear at this time, the timing isn't the best if I say so.

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