Chapter 4: Special Training

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"Regardless, I was not hoping for you and Chaud to fight. If anything, I was hoping you two would get along. I did call him in from North America" Dr. Hikari said with a sigh as he crossed his arms over his chest.

Lan shouted in disbelief, "Papa are you serious?! Chaud is a jerk! Heck! He insulted Maylu, MegaMan, and Roll! What gives him the right to be mean to us when we were able to handle the situation just fine?!"

"Enough!" Dr. Hikari snapped at him and then calmed down, "Chaud did not have to say that, but you don't know his full story! Now, Chaud is going to be with us until this whole World 3 situation is over. Please try and get to know him. He doesn't have any friends besides ProtoMan"

Lan and Maylu were a bit surprised at his statement about Chaud.

"Now, if you wish to know more about him, you will have to talk to him about it. Also, after the stunt you three have pulled, I have made your PETs linked to mine. If you NetBattle, I will be notified. You three will not be allowed to NetBattle for a week. You and your Navis need time to rest" Dr. Hikari said seriously.

Lan was a bit disappointed while Malyu asked, "Speaking of our Navis, are they ok? Where are they?"

"Resting. Don't worry, you'll be with them shortly. I just have to run a few tests. Also, linking the PETs to mine was not my idea. I gave you the soft warning. Now, I have to go and check on Chaud" Dr. Hikari said with a grin as he stood up and left.

Lan mumbled to Maylu, "The soft one?"

The doors burst open to reveal Haruka Hikari looking very mad with Mr. Sakurai on her PET.

"LAN! MAYLU! You two are in so much trouble!" she shouted as the two parents gave their children a lecture.

Dr. Hikari smirked as he walked to the other room. He saw Chaud looking out the window and being quiet. Dr. Hikari pulled a chair up and grinned at him.

"How are you feeling?" he asked with a smile.

"I'm alright, but I am so sorry about that Dr. Hikari. I wasn't aware that he was your son, but he was acting so arrogant. I wanted to prove myself to you as the new Net Savior of North America. I let you down, my father down, and being a Net Savior down" Chaud admitted as he lowered his head.

Dr. Hikari was a bit saddened by him. He read Chaud's file and felt sad for the young boy. He had been through so much.

"Don't worry about it. You did save their friend, stopped a member of World 3, and protected the town. I am grateful you were there to help my son and his friends. Although, you, Lan, and Maylu did cause a lot of damage by using Synchro. My team is fixing up the damages, so the area should be fixed up soon" Dr. Hikari informed Chaud gently.

Chaud felt relieved as he then recalled something important, "Is ProtoMan ok? He looks after me... He was trying to advise me not to be rude to your son and his friends"

"He's going to be fine. However, he, MegaMan, and Roll do need some rest. You cannot Netbattle for a week to make sure they recover just fine. Also, do you have your schedule ready?" Dr. Hikari asked calmly.

"Thank you for looking after ProtoMan. Yes, I do have my schedule ready. I'll be attending school for the morning and then met the officials for Enzan Company" Chaud said seriously.

Dr. Hikari grinned at him.

"Well, when you are with us, you can always ask anything from us. We will be here to help you. In fact, your hotel is near our house. My wife will want you to come over and have dinner with us. Chaud, you can relax here as well as do your best. Now, I will check on your Navis" Dr. Hikari said softly as he walked to the door, "Oh, and my wife will make sure you are fine and come to our house for dinner"

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