Chapter 22

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I wake up to a loud knocking on the door. I rub my eyes before getting out of bed and pulling my clothes back on.

"Who is it?" The knocking just gets louder, "I said who is it?" I say getting frustrated. Still no answer.

I unlock the door with frustration and I immediately get grabbed,

"Take Patient 334 Dominic Harrison. He is in there." I scream.

"Put me down." They grab me tighter.

"No, you are sick. We are taking you back to the asylum where you belong. Don't worry your beloved Dominic can come too." I start to cry. I was finally happy and now this happens. I don't know what will happen to me or my baby now but I am terrified. 

I feel my hands being forced behind my back and I see Dominic frantically dressing before they do the same to him. Some men walk past us holding our stuff which will inevitably get thrown away. I feel a wave of relief pass over me, thank god I left my scan photos with Remington and Melanie back at the house. Dom and I are forced into the back of a van and get driven back to the airport so we can catch the first flight back to the USA...

"We'll be okay, I promise." Dom says softly to me, "They can't make anything happen to the baby, its your body. The baby will be fine. I'll be fine. You'll be fine just promise me you won't worry too much." I give him a weak smile before looking at the front of the car once again.

*Time skip 6 hours*

"You thought you could escape from us?" My therapist said to me. I had the same on as last time which cheered me up a little.

"I hate this place. I'm not sick anymore. Please just let me and Dom leave, let us leave and raise our family the right way!" I cry. She raises her eyebrows at me,

"Your 'family'? What do you mean by that, you don't have a family?" 

"I do have a family. I have Dom, Melanie, Remington and, and Meadow-Electra Harrison." Her eyes widen,

"Whose Meadow-Electra Harrison?" I look down at my stomach, I was getting quite big now.

"My baby." My therapist shakes her head,

"No. You shouldn't be pregnant. Think about how you treated your sister!" I shake my head, tears brimming in my eyes.

"That was then, this is now."

"How many months along..?"

"7 and a half. Please don't take my baby away from me" I beg, she nods and walks out of the room. I start to cry. I cry for everything, I cry for my past, my present, my future and my babies future. This could not be good. My therapist came back with the leader of the asylum and Dom. He sits down in front of me and looks out of the window before saying,

"How many months pregnant are you?" I hang my head,


"Right." There's a long pause before he says, "We have a special unit. It's in the left wing of the asylum and there are currently no patients staying there. We have decided that it isn't safe that you sleep in the same room, you or Dom could snap at anytime and do serious damage to each other or your offspring but we will give you a room next to each other with a window so you can talk and see each other whenever you want. You will both be under 24 hour surveillance. You will be able to see each other for at least 4 hours a day including time to go to the cafe together but you will be supervised." I nod and look down once again,

"As for your baby, as Dom is the father he will be able to attend all scans with you but once again you will be supervised at all times. When the time comes for you to have your baby you will get put in the hospital next door and Dom will be allowed to come as well as another guest of your choice but you will have to tell us who that is so we can contact them soon. Besides that, all of your belongings are already in the room if you want to follow me." 

I nod and he leads me towards a room. I see my bags thrown over the floor and the dusty, dirty, empty room that I will be staying in. I look over the window and smile as I see Dom sitting on his bed with his head in his hands. I walk over to the window and knock lightly. Dom runs up the window and places his hand on the glass, I copy his actions.

"I love you..." He whispers,

"I love you too..." I whisper back.

Psychotic kids~  YUNGBLUDOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz