Author's Note.

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I love writing a note before starting a book. It's a way to reach out to my readers and explain the journey behind the book before they start reading. I find notes meaningful and honest, and that is one of the reasons why I write them.

However, if you don't fancy these, kindly skip this chapter and carry on reading, but I do advise reading this, since I think it explains some things better, and they can help you understand the story, and some things that are important.

First of all, I feel obliged to mention that I wouldn't have started this story if it wasn't for the latest Novella Contest. It gave me the push and got me writing. Though I choose the fourth promote, the story was born in my head way before the contest started, and certain ideas waiting to be given life. I like staying original and while my story relates to the fourth promote, the idea was original and mine. Which feels more beautiful. Writing down my own creation feels more meaningful.

The story is about a deprived father. I have never written a story through a men's P.O.V and I find it a hard, but new experience, which I really enjoy. The Mother has run away with his four years old daughter, Celine. This is the first book which required research, and I was grateful to do so.

While I tried to make Aiden have his own thoughts, Lucy was a person I fell in love with, and is a hopeless romantic, and may hint at my own love for nature since I tried to make her like a person out of a classic book. But I feel obliged (again) to mention that everyone apart from Lucy, are purely made from my imagination and not based on real people.

There were some things that I had to research for. For example, 'What is the best book about women who get abused from their husbands?'. That question itself bothered me a little, but for the sake of the story, I had to find out. I found about twenty books and choosed 'It Ends With Us' in the end. I had my reasons, as you'll surely realize when you read the story.

I also found out that horses can sleep while standing, and how fast a horse can cover a hundred miles. I got to find out more about something that is the base of this book, with lots of research and good luck.

I'm glad I was lucky enough to find answers to my questions so easily.

Without further babbling, I want to thank a few people before finishing this note.

@CatlikeG for her loyalty. She is one of the most amazing people I've met here on Wattpad. I love the way she thinks, how she writes and how she supports with all her heart. I can't express how much she means to me. She's an awesome person, a great friend and the most perfect editor. Thank you. I mean it.

Another hearty thanks to two sisters of mine, for fixing up the summary, and making it worth reading. If it weren't for you guys, the summary would be all tangled up and messy.

And lastly, A heartfelt thanks to my Father who made sure I was brought up in a beautiful family, loved immensely and happy. I can't express how much I love you daddy, and how I love you for all your struggle, your affection and your jokes.

I've read about perfect Fathers in books, but I would never in a million years choose any over you for even a second. You're my hero, my inspiration, my life. You're perfect the way you are, with your twinkling kind eyes, your soft hair that you let grow long at times, and your laugh that brings pure pleasure to my heart. But what makes you purely perfect is the fact that you made sure I was brought up safe in our house, given luxury, and everything that you could give.

The fact that you were always a real gentleman, who wouldn't ever talk rudely to his wife or his children. You taught me so many things, and one of them was, that 'real gentlemen' exists. You taught me to respect and love and care, and that makes me who I am today. Thank you. I can never really thank you enough. I love you.

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