Part 3

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I was bowed to this huge wolf his mouth right at my head. His muzzle large enough to swallow me whole. I was panicked a little but my head kept telling me, keep bowing. So like any sane person I listened to my gut.  He was now standing in a tower over me.

Who are you? The wolf said like he was pushing out a thought into my mind. More importantly what are you?

I was frozen I couldn't open my mouth, How was this creature speaking to me?  Was that his actual thought or was I imagining it, and what does he mean by what am I? I am obviously a human. What else would I be? What is he though. That seems like the more important question in my book.

I am the alpha wolf of the Kachina tribe, now answer my question! He said his voice booming around in my head. How do you know about this woods, No one but wolves are able to enter here. The barrier kills any outsiders. But you're not a member of my clan, how did you fool the barrier?

"Whoa Whoa Whoa, one question at a time. But, I have no clue what you're talking about or who you are." I responded

How is this possible a mortal shouldn't be here. the wolf said but his voice was more of a low whisper.

"I was following a scent, it smelled like fresh rain. It made me feel weird so I wanted to figure out where it came from so I ended up wondering into the woods." I shrugged.

 Oh no don't me you're what I think you are. You were following a scent and I was following a scent of vanilla. The wolf explained as his body started to shift. Into a rather tall and skinny male. He was sweet and he wasn't like a normal man. He was handsome. His skin wasn't tan like you would expect he was actually vary pale with the same  hair color as his wolf his eyes were a bright green-yellow.

 "Uhm.... what're you talking about?" I asked trying to hide the fear and confusion.

"Just follow me." he said as he turned walking through the woods. I was obviously hesitant. I mean why would I just follow a strange man through the woods, wolf or no wolf. That seemed like the perfect way of getting kidnapped.

"Follow a strange man through the woods, why not sounds like a very smart plan." I said standing where I was.

He scowled and stopped, "I am the alpha around these parts you will listen to me. Now I said follow me."

"I notice that very well but I am not your follower." I said crossing my arms over my chest defiantly.

He growled walking back to me grabbing my hand pulling me after him, "I swear if you are what I think you are. Then we're going to have a serious problem."

I sighed letting myself being pulled along, "And what exactly do you think I am?"

"My mate."

Hello guys, I'm back for however long, I know I've been gone a while. But, I will make my updates a little more frequent than they usually are. I hope to be able to go farther with this story. Just like comment and subscribe to hear about new updates, and if you get tired of waiting I have a lot of things. If you want to take the chance and read those. But until next time -Author

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2020 ⏰

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