Chapter 2

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I jumped to a branch holding onto it like it was the last life raft from the titanic the grass blowing with large gusts of wind flying through. A shadow forming between the gusts showing some kind of large beast. The next thing I know my hands began to slip and I fell to the ground. I look up to see what’s around me and see why I slipped but I don’t see any reason why I fell. I looked up and I saw nothing but red beady eyes and rows of sharp white teeth and still it looked like a shadow. It looked like a demon straight out of the horror movie. Except it wasn’t scary. I laid there but the shadow didn’t move. Something about this shadow felt familiar like I knew what it was or who it was. The shadow slowly faded as though it were a fog machine in a concert surrounding the artist performing and it left a man standing staring at me.

    I stood up slowly approaching the man, he looked like me but older. His blond locks matched mine even in the same ruffled style I had. His eyes had the same green irises. It’s like I was standing in an aging mirror at the circus or something. His skin a matching my pale complexion.

I reached my left arm up reaching out to touch the figure. He was wear the same Robert Dubuis watch on him. It was one my father had. It was one of the few things I had left from him. I went to speak but I felt a jolt and someone yelling my name.

“Kason.” i heard a faded voice say and it repeated my name until it started yelling and the the ground started to shake and I was losing my balance. “Kason!” the voice almost screamed but this time I recognize it was Steven’s. I turned frantically around looking for him.

“Steven! Where are you!?” was all I could yell before I blacked out. It was almost like a teleportation I traveled from the dream world to the real world. Steven was standing over me with a concerned look on his face.

“Kason? What the hell happened to you?” he asked as he stood up pulling me to my feet.

I looked down to see I was in an old Soccer jersey that was covered in dirt and grass. I was in the middle of a field surrounded by trees. “I don’t actually know.” I answered completely honestly, I really didn’t know what happened. I don’t know how I fell asleep and how he got to the field.

I started to sniff around and it was like fresh rain that hit my nose and something inside of me growled. Not in anger in a lust like hunger. It craved that scent. I wandered around into the woods looking for where the scent came from but it felt like it was surrounding the clearing like it boxed me in. I kept walking deeper into the woods ignoring the begs from Steven. I had to know what that scent was coming from.

I soon became lost walking onto a footprint path. But they weren’t human footprints. They looked like dog footprints but they were huge. Much bigger than a wolf. These footprints looked bigger than Steven’s head and that was saying something. I heard a loud bang followed by a howl as a big black wolf with white colored tips on his ear like someone dunked a piece of paper in the black paint but forgetting their fingers were covering a piece.

As he stepped closer the scent grew stronger. I wasn’t scared though once again, I had an almost instinct that said to bow to him. So I did it, I bowed getting down on one knee bowing my head down to the wolf.

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