The girl in the middle had black hair, and she wore black tights that came to under her navel, a pale orange shirt with an anchor on it which ended above her navel, leaving some midriff bare. The friend to her left wore a short jean skirt and a low cut, black tank top, her blonde hair in a low bun on the side of her head. Lastly, the one on her right wore a long skirt that looked and flowed like water, and a low cut, long sleeved blue shirt. They all wore shoes with a spike of some sort, and their faces were thick with paint-like makeup. The way they carried themselves, seeming to throw their womanly shapes in the faces of everyone both surprised and sickened him. This is how young girls here dress? Are they bred for a brothel?

The middle girl spoke first. "Oh my god, hi! I've never seen you around before and in such a small town, that's, like, almost impossible. Are you new here?"

"Yes." Obviously.

She giggled and her friends followed suit. "I'm Amanda. This is Megan and Alicia." The girls on her left and right greeted him when their names were said. "What's your name?"


The trio giggled again and Jareth found it odd. Did they always do that?

"That's an odd name. Is it popular in Europe?"

"No." They giggled again. It seems they do. "Listen, ladies, I need to-"

"Wait. Jareth-I've heard that name somewhere. Haven't you guys?" The blonde, Megan, said.

"Yeah, it does seem familiar. In fact, his face looks kind of familiar, too." Alicia said. She'd been quiet until now.

"I can assure you, I've never met you ladies before. Now if you'll excuse me." He attempted to walk around them, but Amanda, the obvious leader, grabbed the sleeve of his black t-shirt.

"Wait, where are you going?"

"I'm looking for a friend." Jareth looked around and Theodora had disappeared. Damn. Where did she go? "Now, really you'll have to excuse me!" He pulled her arm from his shirt and walked towards the school. He had only taken a few steps when there was a hand on his shoulder, trying to pull her around.

"Wait just a second, mister. Do you want to-"

"Hey!" Another voice cut in. Thank the Consciousness. He turned and there she was, rushing up to him: Theodora. "What are you doing here?" She glanced briefly at the girls.

"There you are! Mardy said he had an emergency at work and couldn't pick you up. He asked me, so I came to escort you." The relief in his voice was evident.

"Oh, really? Thank you!" She threw her arms around his neck and they hugged.

"I don't mind. I haven't seen you since Monday. Come on, let's get you to practice." The pair started to walk away.

"Um, excuse me?" A voice had them turning around. It was Amanda, the grabby girl. "We were still talking." She threw Theodora a dirty look.

"Yes, and I'm very sorry, but as you can see, I have found my friend and-"

"No, Jay, go on. Finish your conversation, it's okay."

Though his insides warmed at the nickname that she had given him recently, he looked at her imploringly, begging with his eyes to give him an excuse to run. "What about your practice? You'll be late."

Theodora laughed. "It's fine. Go on."

Inwardly sighing, he walked the few steps towards the three. "Now, we really must make this quick. She *does* have places to be soon."

Jareth's ReturnHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin