Chapter 23 - 10K Thank You!

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Holy! I can't believe that this story has hit 10K views.

I started this on here just to release some of the creativity going on in my head.

I am so thankful to everyone that Follows, Votes, Comments, and even those of you that just come on and silently read.

If you aren't already, please make sure you Follow! Sometimes I post 2 Chapters back to back and I'd hate for you all to miss it.

Here is a small little something as a THANK YOU to hold you all over until the next full chapter.



Kim peeled herself off of the couch and checked her phone. 8:56 a.m. Crap. 2 missed FaceTime calls from Rook, unopened text messages from Gabe, and the usual morning 20+ emails. Her head was hurting from the copious amounts of wine that they consumed last night. She used her foot to nudge Lily's shoulder to wake her up. Once Lily started rubbing her eyes, Kim made her way upstairs to start getting ready for the day. She would wait until she was at the NRG mansion to even open any of the emails, pick up pastries for Gabe as he requested in his text messages, and wait until at least 10 a.m. her time to return Rook's calls.

 Lily walked in to Kim's room once she was ready to go. Her hair was still wet from the shower, but it would just have to air dry. Kimmy was sitting on the floor going through a small stack of paper. "Hey you ready?," she asked. Kim looked up from her papers, "yeah. Let's go." "I'm gonna have to stay here more often I forgot I had a bunch of cute clothes here and I sleep sooooo good here," Lily said pointing out her outfit. "Ummmm but that's because it's quiet here and there isn't a million people coming in and out and screeching girls in the hallways," Kim laughed. "mmmmm you might have a point."

The girls hopped in Kim's Jeep and drove across town to Gabe's favorite little pastry shop. The morning was perfect. They were sipping on their overpriced coffee, and eating their favorite pastries before it was a free-for-all at the mansion while singing along to girly songs with the windows down. They pulled into the NRG mansion's driveway and saw some unfamiliar cars still there. Probably random girls that spent the night.

 "Good morning Evan," Kim greeted him as she walked into the kitchen. He was eating a bowl of cereal at the kitchen island. "Sup," he nodded. "We brought goodies," Lily plopped the boxes of pastries and coffees on the counter. Evan's eyes instantly widened and he came over to the counter to pick his poison. "I'm gonna run upstairs to see if Gabe needs anything. Any girls I should watch out for?," she asked him. Evan laughed, "Nah you're good. His chick left last night. Mine is still sleeping and I think I heard Chris going for a round two a little while ago." "Ewwww," she cringed.

 "Gaaaaaaaaaaabe," she sang as she knocked on his bedroom door. She heard his muffled response to come in from behind the door. She walked in and saw him standing by his restroom sink brushing his teeth. It was shocking to see him up and ready for the day any time before noon. "Morning," he stepped into the room. "Good morning," she sat on his floor. He gave her a questioning look. "I heard you had a girl up in here last night. I'm not sitting on your bed," she laughed. Gabe threw his head back laughing so hard. "Bitch." "Why are you even up this early? Oh, and your pastries and coffee are downstairs," she smiled. "Sweeeeet. Been craving them since last night. And, I'm awake because I'm heading over to Interscope to talk to my buddy Ivan about the record." Kim immediately scrambled to scroll through her phone's calendar. "Don't worry. I only just planned this last night. Album drops in exactly one week so I just want to clear some stuff up." "Oh my goodness, I thought I forgot about it," she breathed a sigh of relief. "Do you need me to drop you off?," she asked now standing up. "Ummmm yeah that would be great. I'm going to lunch with him after so I'll call you once I'm ready to come back after." "Sounds good. Now, let's go downstairs so you can eat," she said walking over to open his bedroom door.


Kim had just finished scarfing down a sandwich in her apartment, when she noticed the time. 11:28 a.m. She picked up her cell and called Rook. He picked up on the 3rd ring. "Hey babe." "Good morning sweetieeeee," she sang into the phone. She heard him shuffle and then it got very quiet on his end. "Hey are you alone?" "Ummm yeah. I'm in my place," she was confused. "Cool. Can I FaceTime you?" "Yeah, is everything okay?," she didn't like this. "I'm gonna FaceTime you," he hung up.

She inhaled deeply as she waited for his call. Rook was on the other end just as nervous as she was. The call connected. Here goes nothing. " Hey," he looked so damn handsome. She could tell he had just woken up. "You sounded weird on the phone. Are you okay?" "Uh yeah I just need to have a conversation with you, and....I really hate having to do this over the phone, but at least this way I get to see you face-to-face as opposed to a text," he sat on the edge of his bed. Kim also took a seat to brace herself for what was coming. She had never seen him quite this serious. "JP....just tell me." Ewwww. She had called him by his real name before, and he didn't mind at all.....but right now, in that tone, in this conversation...he didn't like it at all. She instantly regretted it when she saw him rub his eyes clearly frustrated. "Uh...We drop our album next Friday....," he shook his head. "Oh...Um yeah I have it marked down. I....thought you'd be, I don't know, excited?," clearly confused at why he looked so nervous about it. Just last week he was bouncing off the walls at this news. "No, no , I am. It's just that...3 weeks later I go on tour." There it was. The same conversation that Kim had been putting off as well. She thought to herself, It's okay. It's alright. We will look at our schedule and see when we can see each other. We will keep up nightly FaceTime calls. The months will go by in no time. "Ummm yeah. Kellz told Lily—" "It's on overseas tour," he blurted out cutting her off mid-sentence. She froze, her mouth slightly open and eyes wide as could be.

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