The Prison Camp Diaries XV : An update from Sam

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Look, I am Sam

and such.

We play cards against humanity 

and talk about booty

and Cristanity swears (#notavirginmary)

I have no swag and i get sassed 

We are making a quote book its called "book of Jaz" it will be perf

Now here is where we get deep.

One lonely night, a man was walking down the road when he spied a small glint of light twinkling down an alleyway. he walked over and tried to get it thinking it was money, so he can finally buy food for his hungry, hungry stomach, as he walked over he saw that the glint of light was really a key and not an old treasure chest key either just a key for a house or a lock. 

But as soon as he touched the key he was teleported to a world of bright colour and magic. dazed after the travel he wandered  down the path laid before him heading north. soon after the long flat trek down this path the man stumbled into a big emerald town where midgets greated him in a warm welcoming ceremony .

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