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Chelsea's POV
I finished my work while everyone else was working
Chelsea: can I go to the restroom?
<I said because I was done >
* I went out the classroom *
* melly texted me telling that he had cooled off*
* I texted back & said meet me inna secret room*
* I went to the secret room & waited on him*
~finally he had came~
Chelsea: you never told me that you had another personality ...
Melly: I thought you knew
Chelsea:well I ain't
Melly:well I was thinking in class about the ex thing & you were right
Chelsea: I'm always right
Melly: not but why were you crying?
Chelsea: My ma
Melly: What happened
Chelsea: can't explain
Melly:please you can trust me
Chelsea: my grades
Melly: What about them
Chelsea:They went down
Melly: oooohh
Melly:i mean i can help you & are we cool
Chelsea: you can help & yeah

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