Wine fa me🙂

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* Me & kay ran in a stall*
Teacher/Mrs.Smith: Hurry up young scholars!
*we waited til she left*
Kayla:how you feel?
Chelsea: like I'm in love and I don't know why
Kayla:awww my baby is finally catching feelings! There's a party tonight wanna come?
Chelsea: I would love too but-
Kayla:please !
Kayla:I'll pick you up @7:00pm
*we both walked out & as soon as I walked to the schools secret room I see the nigga from earlier *
Melly's POV
*shawty walked in as soon as I thinked about her *
Melly: hey beautiful
Chelsea: I thought you had a girlfriend
Melly: it's you
*melly gets up and apologizes about earlier *
Melly:Im sorry for calling you those names it was wrong for me to do that
*melly gives her flowers *
Chelsea:Awwwwww thank you & I accept your apology
Melly:whats yo name
* I answered*
Chelsea:What's yours?
Melly: Melly
Melly: give me yo number
Chelsea:hell no
* Melly kisses you*
* Chelsea doesn't pull back *
* melly puts his hand in yo pants*
*Chelsea slaps mellys hand*
Melly:Well damn jhit
* Melly grabs Chelsea again & kisses her*
* Someone walks in*
Teacher: Oh my god! GO TO DETENTION NOW!
*Me&melly stopped kissing and went to detention *
Chelsea: It's yo fault! I'm scared! What if they arrest me?!
Melly:chill it was just a kiss
Chelsea: but your not my nigga
Melly: damn you just broke my heart
*he said in a low tone and start looking down*

Jamell's Property Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora