Hello? Can you hear me Jesus?

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Chelsea: We gotta go.. even if they murked him i need to see his body. She says as she hyperventilates
Kayla:maybe they got jamell mixed up with someone else and they killed someone else?

How would she know that?

Chelsea:Yeah hopefully because we just got back on good terms i really don't want to feel guilty.
Kayla:Aye give me a minute im stressed out i needa roll a blunt i got two if you want to sess. Chelsea:mmm
(Kayla grabs her car keys and walks outside)
(Chelsea waits a minute then starts eavesdropping behind the door)
Kayla: gang how you get the wrong nigga? i paid yo ass to murk that nigga so we can get that shit. Now shit about to get real my nigga that's a whole other crowd.
The unknown nigga: My bad Kayla, you still fuck with a nigga? i promise i got you if you need anything else.
Kayla: No im tired of giving you pussy for free and you keep giving me a bad name round these streets.
The unknown nigga: K, i been getting my hands dirty for you why you tryna leave a nigga now? it was one mistake. Mistakes happen.
Kayla mumbles: you aint been getting yo hands dirty enough. Keishona wanted me to take jamell away from her no matter if it was permanently or temporarily.
(Chelsea jumps back from the door and sits back down on the couch waiting for kayla to come in)

*5 minutes later*

(Kayla peeks her head in the doorway)
Kayla: im ready
(Chelsea then walks out)
Kayla: you know you're driving?
Chelsea:Of course.
(They both get into the car)
Chelsea: how far is the place again?
Kayla: 2 hours and 26 minutes
(She turns on her playlist)
* 1 Hour 10 minutes away now *

* 30 minutes away *

* 10 minutes *

* 3 minutes away *

Chelsea: Kayla. I heard that phone conversation. You tried to set Jamell up. I will kill you right now if you don't tell me your plan or ill flip this whole ass car over.
(She grips the steer wheel with her left while the other is holding a gun to Kayla's head)

(Kayla pulls her seat back quickly and kicks the gun out of Chelsea's hand and Chelsea whips
the wheel to the right into a ditch making Kayla fall threw the window)
(Chelsea falls out the car lightheaded and snatches unconscious Kayla's phone out of her purse and puts her face on face id to unlock the phone and to change the password)
(She then runs to the location)
A house?

(Kayla pulls her seat back quickly and kicks the gun out of Chelsea's hand and Chelsea whipsthe wheel to the right into a ditch making Kayla fall threw the window)(Chelsea falls out the car lightheaded and snatches unconscious Kayla's phone out of...

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(She sneaks between the walls )
Chelsea: this look like some girlie shit
A deep voice comes from the dark that sends shivers down her spine but familiar...
"I said the same shit"
(She quickly turns her back and reloads her gun pointing it out only to have some hands on her hips)

Ouuu Do you think that this is Jamell?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2022 ⏰

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