Arms wrapped around Callest's waist and drove him to his right. His nails retracted from the flesh as several individuals, some who had woken up seconds before, wished that they could've covered their ears several moments prior. Or if they could've of, they would've prevented the stabbing altogether. Callest and Chris, however, crashed to the floor. She held onto him tightly so that he couldn't recover as swiftly. "You filthy human scum!" Callest shouted out as his optics switched from her over to (f/n) and Ether.

(F/n)'s body desperately wanted to slouch forward, and Ether was already by her side. He was shouting out her name before his optics met Callest's. The purest form of hatred danced like wicked flames in Ether's eyes, and Callest hurriedly ripped Chris from him and tossed her, harder than he had any of the others, across the room. Her teammates called out to her, with Ren's voice being the loudest. She hit the wall to Callest's left and crumpled up on the ground. Something in her had cracked, but she remained breathing, though, now unconscious.

Swiftly, Callest got to his feet. Ether was on him in seconds. Nails sliced through the air as Ether lost any trace of human resemblance in that moment; he looked nothing more than a monstrous killing machine from the darkest depths of the earth. Cursing, Callest dodged the attacks before he jumped high into the air. His hands gripped onto gate three, and he skillfully climbed to the top of it. About to follow, Ether paused as Nick cried out, "Forget him right now! (F/n)'s going to die if you don't do something!"

That woke him up, and the younger creature paused as his eyes saw Callest land on the other side of the fence before he dashed off down the tracks. A menacing growl left the younger creature's lips before he glared at Nick, who visibly gulped. Ren tried to stand, but he fell back down from his prior beatings. Deidre attempted to do the same, but the creature directed his gaze over to her next, and she froze. Rapidly, he dashed through the room and cut all of their restraints, which left them shocked.

Without another word, the creature rushed over to his pink flower and cut her down from her bonds. She collapsed into his arms as he examined the damage more thoroughly. A stream of curse words parted from him as his rage turned into grief. "(F/n), hang on," he muttered, forcing himself to set her down. He tore off his hoodie and instantly tied it around her wounds to help slow the bleeding. "You need to live. You lived through Haley's attack, right?" he tried to encourage as pained moans escaped her.

Lacking energy, she turned her (e/c) eyes up to him, and a hurting smile met her lips. His heart repaired itself only to shatter all over again. Gently, he moved her onto his lap; his left arm supported her neck and his right her legs. "... You can't. I'm loosing ..."

"No!" the creature shouted as Ren wished he could rush over to Chris. Deidre went over to help Nick. "You're staying alive. You haven't dealt with all of my sh*t just to die like this!" he cried out as her smile fell. Her eyes closed as tears trailed down her face and joined the crimson.

"... I don't want ..." She coughed and more blood exited past her lips. "To die." Gradually and struggling, she opened her eyes again. "... I ..." Tears couldn't be stopped, and they fell from the creature's face onto her. He was shaking his head, and she saw through all of his walls again in that moment. More tears parted from her before the pain in her body forced them to close once more. A tugging darkness consumed her slowly, and her lips parted as a breath left her. "Ether ..."

Slightly, the creature's eyes widened, and he didn't know what to make of the name that left her lips, but his heart clenched tightly as though some lost word from long ago had drifted into his mind. "(F/n)," he spoke softly. No response. "(F/n)," he shook her a little. "No, no, no, no ..." She still felt warm. He still heard her heart beating, but it was slower, and it wasn't getting any better.

Out of the corners of his eyes, he saw a hand reach towards his left shoulder. Instantly, his head snapped towards the person, and he saw Nick there, who was crying too. The creature scowled through his own tears before he glanced back to (f/n). On his own, he wouldn't be able to save her in time, and he had no time to kill the four other humans in the room with him; he didn't even know if he could since one of them had risked her own life for (f/n). That human woman probably had saved (f/n) from a fatal attack, but it would be fatal if he didn't do something quick.

Pushing back his hatred for the male near him, he ordered, "Anywhere! Where is somewhere we can take her? Is there a hospital nearby?" Nick froze and looked shocked that the creature didn't proceed to attack or ask them to leave. "Speak, human! Where the f*ck is one in this d*mn town?!"

Cogs finally clicking in his brain and seeing that (f/n) still was breathing, Nick replied, "The nearest hospital is fifty minutes out. She won't make it. Even if you have a phone and we could call 911, they won't make it in time." The creature looked ready to rip his head off, and Nick immediately thought of somewhere. "A vet. It's not much, but it's twenty-four-seven. I saw one near to the subway entrance. You can go in through the back. If you hurry, you might make it."

Nodding, the creature grabbed his duffel bag and stood to his feet as he gently held (f/n) in his arms. "Show me how to get there." Nick gave him a slightly questioning look. Before Nick could speak, the creature responded, "You four need to leave with me. Callest might still be around. If I leave, he'll kill you four, especially given what she did." His head tilted towards Chris. "I'm paying you back for her actions, so let's move." Again, Nick was about to speak, but the creature didn't let him. "I still wish to kill you, Nick," the creature spoke, and Nick visibly winced at the creature speaking his name. "But, I won't. Just make sure (f/n) lives, and I won't kill you. She dies, and this becomes a different scenario." The creature held (f/n) in his right arm in a careful sitting position before he walked over to Ren, who tried to back away, and threw the male over his left shoulder. "Pick up your unconscious friend," he ordered Nick, who didn't waste another moment. Deidre helped him, and the creature signaled for all of them to start running alongside him as their fear and shock subsided to focus on saving (f/n).

Infectious Submission (M. Yandere x Fem. Reader)Where stories live. Discover now