Displeasure soon greeted the older creature's face. "But, I never should have had to do any of this. You should've taken responsibility and treated her correctly. You should've known when to stop playing and kill her to eat her. Or," he grimaced at the disgusting implication of his next words, "impregnated her already. But, you're keeping her around like she's an equal to you." Harshly, he released his hands from her and shoved her head forward, making her (h/c) locks fly forward before they covered her face. "And, you never punish her; you keep making excuses when she does nothing but sink into denial and loathe you."

"Enough!" the younger creature finally shouted. He didn't step forward, but his very pale blue eyes soon met (f/n)'s as she stared up to him. The fire that he had known to be in her was gone. Instead, he saw what he knew for certain was in her ever since she had forgone killing him back in Faller's Grove, but he didn't wish to see it from her being tortured. Then again, his game with her could've been seen as that from her perspective, but it never was ... He trailed off as he couldn't hold her gaze anymore.

"You tell me enough, but I'm not done. You still deserve a punishment for creating this mess." Callest tugged back on (f/n)'s hair, unveiling her whole face to him. She cried out at the action, and her cry woke Nick back up, who started to move steadily in his restraints. The younger creature barely paid the human male any mind despite his hatred for him.

"I said enough!" the younger creature yelled out again. Before Callest could cut him off, he continued, "This whole mess right now is your doing! You took her from me! You tortured her down here and humiliated her!" The younger creature glared heavily at her tormentor, and he avoided shifting his gaze down. He had seen the bruises and marks on her bare skin; he had seen how bare she was, how vulnerable. Once was enough; she deserved privacy from him.

Emotions continued to fly through him, though, and he didn't even note Nick's eyes widening from spotting him there. "And, I don't care if she hates me forever! She knows that! And so what if I let her remain ignorant to the facts around her?! I already did enough to her! I was trying to ..." (F/n) felt tears trail down her cheeks as she noticed something in Ether that she had never spotted before, and that feeling of ... that feeling of ... mis-mis-missing h-h-him increased against her will in her weakened state. She couldn't fight it back either since seeing Ether after so long really did bring a series of emotions flooding back into her, especially since his return meant that she actually might escape Callest's torment. But, she broke out of her thoughts when Callest's next word struck through the air with a cold brutality to it.

"Pathetic." Callest spoke with malice and aversion, yet also pity. He hated seeing one of his own fall to such a state because of a simple, vile human. "How you can fall in love with her to such an extent ..."

"I don't need to listen to you critiquing ..."

"Yes, you do!" Callest shouted back, and the younger creature clenched his fists once more, but he didn't draw blood that time. "I may have brought this piece of trash here." His grip increased on (f/n)'s hair, and she winced again. "I may have tortured her, but I did all of that because you created the situation for it. You let her escape the tunnels, you allowed her to disclose our weakness and take away my home, you permitted her to creep into your heart and let her weaken your actions. Everything you did grew her to be shielded from the truth and ungrateful, to be trusting of me. And now," Callest looked disappointed and ... saddened, "you can't even defend yourself. Someone of your power is just so weak now."

Bringing his left nails back to her neck, Callest glided them over her skin, and the younger creature finally stepped forward again. "I could ask you to injure, to kill yourself right now to save her life, and you probably would do it, but she won't even be grateful. She'll just be happy that you're dead, and she'll lose all of her progress. She'll ..."

"Be quiet." Callest raised a brow, and his expression became neutral, though; just barely a bit of surprise could be seen. The younger creature relaxed his fists and met Callest's gaze head on. "I don't know why you care so much about how strong I am or whatever, but I don't care to know. And, maybe, my actions led to her kidnapping. They probably did because I couldn't admit the truth to her; I was fine with shrouding her from it, but I don't need to hear that from you." Once more, his anger returned, and he took several confident steps forward as his tone grew lower. "I should've realized that sooner and not let you affect me so much. I make my decisions, and I don't need your approval. I don't even really know you or care to know you. All I know for certain about you is that I want to end you."

Once again, the younger creature cut Callest off before he could speak. "So what if I'm in love with her? I don't regret that, but I do regret letting you breathe for so long." His very pale blue hues switched to (f/n) briefly before they landed back on Callest. "You took away the spark that I grew so fond of in my pink flower; you forced out a side of her that I only wanted to see through her own choice. And, it sickens me," the younger creature released a menacing, low and inhuman growl, "that you were able to lay your hands on her for so long."

"Even after I told you what's afflicting you, you still so blindly ignore it all." Callest released a drawn out sigh. "Then, I guess that it's time to move onto the true punishment for your actions." The younger creature paused in his steps before his optics widened in horror as Callest moved his nails down. "I'll take what you desire most, and, maybe, you'll wake up to your failures." (F/n) widened her eyes as well when his nails glided across her midsection and back around to her back. The older creature lifted his left hand up and back more while he aimed for a particular spot.

"(F/n)!" the creature she had known since Cankerfell screamed out. Nick cried out her name too, having finally managed to loosen the gag. There was another calling out her name, but it went unnoticed until it was too late.

Infectious Submission (M. Yandere x Fem. Reader)Where stories live. Discover now