chapter three

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[Amy POV]

The big day is finally here ,I'm getting married to Dr. Sheldon Cooper .

I had my mother on the phone to me since 6am this morning I swear she's more excited than me, Sheldon's still asleep I wont wake him as he was up most of the night rehearsing his vows I could hear him in the bathroom at 3am talking to himself. I think I know mine well enough considering I'm a neuroscientist and I know how to get things to stay in my long term memory I'm pretty confident that I know them but considering how nervous I am I may forget them .

I took one more look in the mirror before leaving a note with some breakfast for Sheldon telling him that I have gone to penny's so she can help me with my hair and make up before we head to the athenium ,penny looked at me and smiled as we walked out of my apartment .

penny: " are you okay you seem quiet "

me: " yeah just a bit distracted "

penny : "why ?"

me : " well , I've been really excited for weeks about the wedding and now that its finally happening I don't know if its the rights thing for our relationship its took us so long to get to were we are now what if it changes everything what if Sheldon changes his mind mid ceremony and he doesn't want to marry me anymore and what if .

penny: " woah Amy calm down everything id gonna be fine Sheldon loves you he made this decision he will go through with it "

me: " okay but if he doesn't its your fault for telling me he will "

[Sheldon POV]

[3am,11th of may ,bathroom of 4b ]

oh my ,why is this so hard I'm a genius surely I can think of something to say at my wedding only have 10 hours to think of something . Amy has had her vows sorted for months and I'm usually the one who is prepared and has everything ready to go in advance . Come on Sheldon think, why is this so hard if I can solve the hardest physics problems there is then thinking of wedding vows cannot be that hard.

right how about this , Amy , the moment I saw you in that coffee shop there was about you that just amazed me . after that day I couldn't get you out of my head .and when you said you loved me my heart stopped for a matter of moments and then I knew that you were the only girl for me .

That's it , I did it ,oh what a relief I can finally sleep .

[Amy POV]

wow , penny sure does know how to do hair and make up .

" this is gorgeous penny were did you learn to do hair and make up like this " I asked

" my auntie from New York taught me , she Is the reason I have the best fashion sense and everything" she replied

2 hours later ..

[Sheldon POV]

" come on Sheldon , if we don't set off now we'll be late " shouted Leonard

" Coming " I shouted

As we reached Leonard's car I suddenly felt or nervous , like I had thousands of tiny butterflies in my stomach I wonder if Amy felt like this . I'm hoping she does else I look pretty darn foolish if I do say so.

" Sheldon ?" Leonard tapped me on the shoulder

" Oh sorry " I suddenly realised where we were, we were at the athenium already I must of been so caught up in my thoughts I didn't realise we had arrived

" were here already " I exclaimed

" yes " Leonard replied

" you were really quiet ,are you okay ?" she questioned

" Yes , just a bit nervous " I said

[Amy POV]

I'm in my dressings room at the athenium .penny's helping me with my dress after she's helped me put It on she's helped me with my veil

" you look beautiful Amy " she said with a lump in her throat

" thank you , but your the reason I look this beautiful if it was up to my mother I wouldn't have any of this make up especially not this lipstick , my mother wouldn't agree with it " I said looking at myself in the mirror

" I don't care what your mother agrees with or what she doesn't all that matters is that you feel beautiful as it is your wedding day , and I cant wait till I get drunk and pick a fight with her " she said giggling to herself

" of course you cant wait for that to happen but I don't want it to happen as it is my special day and I don't want it ruined " I said smiling at her

" okay I wont pick a fight with her only because your my bestfriend and I respect your wishes " she looked at me and smiled

[Sheldon POV]

" ugh , why isn't my bowtie even not matter how many times I tie and untie it " I exclaimed

" maybe its not meant to be straight , they do say it the imperfect things that makes thing perfect " my mother said as she walked in the door

" I wish dad was here " I said as I hugged her

" I wish he was here now , he would be so proud of you I know I am " she said smiling at me

[Amy POV]

" come on ames the ceremony is about to start lets make sure everything is in order because I'm not having my bestfriend walking down the isle looking less than perfect " penny said as she fixed my veil

[ Sheldon POV]

come on Sheldon I've just heard penny saying that the ceremony is going to start so we need to be there before Amy gets there "

sorry I haven't uploaded in a while to be honest I actually forgot I had started a third chapter but any wa here's chapter three

K xx

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