chapter two

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[Amy POV]

we arrived outside of the coffee shop were we first met ,I have so many memories from this place ,amazing memories, Sheldon reached over and grabbed my hand and smiled .

" do you remember this place " he asked

" do I remember it god, this place is imprinted in my long term memory ,guess why ?"

" because you met a superhero in there ?" he asked jokingly

" no silly I met you here " I looked at him and he had that adorable smile on his face he has when he's thinking bout superhero's I'm a tiny bit sad that he's not thinking bout me but I'm okay with that

[Sheldon POV]

the look on Amy's face when we pulled up outside that coffee shop was priceless I hate how she made me guess but that's okay.

all the memories came flooding back to me from that very day ,I never thanked koothrapaulie and wolowitz for finding Amy for me. I grabbed her hand and smiled ,I hope she knew I was thinking about her and not superhero's, we got out of the car and I raced to the other side to open the door for her and help her out ,I felt really gentlemanly doing that and she is the love of my life so It felt right to do anything that means she's happy . We entered the coffee shop and we ordered the same thing we did on our first date , tapped water and yoo-hoo . we sat at the very table we fist spoke at while raj and Howard looked like they regret the whole thing . I couldn't help but stare at Amy, she was the only person I love ,well besides my mother and my meemaw .

[Amy POV]

well today was full of events I thought for sure wouldn't happen ,Sheldon can drive ,he walked out of the university and he didn't sanitise that table we sat at . I felt like I was talking to a normal person who wasn't a star trek super fan who really liked trains . we sat and spoke for what felt like hours . We held hands in public which Sheldon doesn't like to do, he told me that he loves me and that i'm the only person he loves and everything and it was really sweet but kind of crept because it didn't feel like I was talking to my genius fiancé . Apart from that I really liked this new version of Sheldon

we were talking for so long I forgot that my mother was flying in today for my wedding tomorrow and I needed to pick her up from the airport it wasn't until I looked at my watch I realised that her plane got to Pasadena in 30 minutes and I need to be there to pick her up else she wouldn't be happy with me and we don't need that believe me .

" Sheldon I need to go pick my mother up from that airport soon maybe we should get going " I told him while holding his hand tightly

" okay ill drive us there and you can sit and talk to your mother without having to worry you might get into a fiery accident " he said which kind of made me feel a lot calmer but also a tiny bit scared when he said fiery accident .

we got into the car again and Sheldon drove to the airport and we picked up my mother and it was a surprisingly pleasant journey to her hotel were she got out and she insisted we got home so that's what we did .

we got home and Sheldon cooked dinner her said that I need to relax , after dinner he ran me a bubble bath and he went to go watch star trek on the t.v while I soaked in the bath I have to say it was very relaxing .

about 2 hours later we decided to go to bed , as I lay there I felt Sheldon reach other and grab my hand I didn't say anything I just let him do so

"Amy " he said

" yes " I replied

" you know how were getting married tomorrow "

"yeah "

" why does everyone have to be there why and cant it just be me and you and our parents "

" its social convention Sheldon we have to "

" oh screw social convention "

I smiled ever so slightly, he must of seen it as he asked

" what are you smiling at ?"

" you , I'm smiling because I'm going to marry you "

I lent in for a kiss an at the same time Sheldon snaked his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him and then we both drifted of too sleep

[Sheldon POV]

I treated Amy like a queen all night I cooked for her I ran her a bubble bath and I also sat and watched little house on the Perry with her I'm not going to lie that program we really good

As we went to bed I felt like Amy was too faraway so I started to speak to her and after a while I got impatient and pulled her close and kissed her forehead and then we drifted of to sleep in each others arms

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