How did I know? I couldn't really say that. But I just had this certainty, this sureness that my relationships with the gang went deeper than just some stupid deal.

"I know," I said, offering her a smile. "It's alright."

Alex shook her head. "No, it's not," she said. "It was a fucked up thing to do."

I looked at the ground. "Well yeah," I admitted. "It was."

Alex looked surprised. "Then why aren't you more angry than this? Why are you just joking around with Logan and chatting them up like that?"

"Because I care about our friendship more than I care about letting that get in the way," I explained. "I could hold a grudge and be angry at all of them for agreeing to this deal. Because that was jerkish of them all. But we've all grown closer this week, and I know that none of them wanted to continue this deal in the end, and that's really what matters."

Alex was silent. Then she shook her head and let out a snort. "Jesus Arianna, you're such a saint," she muttered.

I scowled at her. "Why? Do you want me to be mad at them?"

Alex shrugged. I cocked an eyebrow at her, realization hitting me.

I pointed at her and smiled. "Hold on there. It's because you're mad, isn't it?"

Alex glowered at the floor. "No I'm not," she said flatly.

"Yes you are!" I insisted triumphantly. "You're mad that you weren't let in on this deal, right?"

Alex was silent.

"Well think about it this way," I said. "At least you're not in this position where I might be mad at you for trying to con me, right?"

"Yeah, but you're not even mad at any of them!" said Alex in an exasperated voice.

"Well yeah," I said with a laugh.

Nathan's face suddenly entered my mind, and I felt this sense of dread. Where had he gone? And why hadn't he stayed long enough to talk to me-to say even like a single word to me?

This had kept nagging my brain until now, where it morphed into a bit of sadness. I had a bad feeling about everything and I had a bad feeling that Nathan wasn't going to be as happy and carefree as someone else, say, Sam was.

"How was your date with Sam?" I piped up, the subject of dates and relationships on my mind.

Alex's face lit up, and she tried to hide the grin on her face unsuccessfully. "It was nice," she admitted, looking down at the ground.

I smiled back. "That's good for you guys," I said, her happiness contagious. I was glad for them both; Sam was a great guy, and Alex a good friend. And they were so fit for each other. It had just taken so long for both of them to finally accept that.

My thoughts shot back to Nathan, and my gut sank again.

Alex noticed my expression. "Where's Nathan?" she asked, as perceptive as ever.

I was surprised at her intuitiveness and shrugged, before looking away. "I don't know," I admitted, my voice small. "He left right away without saying anything."

"He didn't even try to apologize?" asked Alex incredulously.

I shook my head.

All the other guys, even Randy, had been almost hilariously apologetic. While the police were questioning everyone, each guy came up to me individually to say sorry.

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